Green Eggs and Hamstrings
10-02-2005, 03:17 PM,
Green Eggs and Hamstrings
Anyone care to share wisdom on hamstring injuries (ie best treatment, other than rest of course)? I had a minor incident this morning where as I ran I felt a tightening in the back of my right leg just (about 4") above the back of the knee. It felt like a small marble lodged in the muscle (I checked, there was no marble).

The leg is still slighly sore. I managed to stretch gently after the run, and it didn't get any worse, but it's still there. I'm sure I should treat it in some way (Rest, Ice, Compression Elevation?) but it would be good to hear from anyone with experience of this type of injury. If it persists I will seek advice from a physio.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

10-02-2005, 06:18 PM,
Green Eggs and Hamstrings
Sorry Sweder, can't help based on personal experience, but rest would seem to be a good start. That's never good news, as I know myself at the moment. I seem to be having a recurrence of the gouty toe that troubled me before Christmas. I was supposed to running with the local group tonight but think I may have to give it a miss. Tomorrow was supposed to be a rest day, but I guess I can just switch my days around.

Hope someone comes through with some good advice. Something that feels like a marble in your leg doesn't sound great. That said, I have heard that physoptherapy or sports massage can work wonders in these situations, so keep yer pecker up. The best I can offer is that if it could be a lot worse. When I strained my calf a while ago, it was very apparent very quickly that something was wrong. I felt it go, and had to hobble 3 miles home in some discomfort.

Good luck.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
10-02-2005, 07:15 PM,
Green Eggs and Hamstrings
Better to be cautious and get it checked out Sweder. You've done a lot of running lately, don't risk anything needlessly. I'm certainly not qualified in the field, but I've had similar "marbley" things in my calf muscles, so hopefully it's simply muscular and can be massaged or rested out (as mine were).
Run. Just run.
11-02-2005, 12:31 AM,
Green Eggs and Hamstrings
Thanks chaps. I googled for running injuries and found 'Foot Doc'.
He recommends the following for hammies:

Ice the area using a medical ice pack/ Take Ibuprofen to help reduce swelling

Perform hamstring stretches - the medieval ones where you sit down, stretch out your leg and grab your foot (I lost it around this point) and hold for 10 seconds . . .

If you have to run, or if the injury appears slight (like mine does) then don't run on uneven surfaces (uh-oh) - run on flat level surfaces and shorten your stride (where's the fun in that?)

Use a tubesock or neoprene brace (I invested in a tubesock today)

As of now it's feeling OK, but you're both right - not worth risking it. Like Andy I will postpone my run scheduled for tomorrow morning and switch to Saturday morning for a pavement lope, with no hills (aaaaaargh).

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph


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