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Decisions, decisions.
20-10-2008, 02:46 AM,
Decisions, decisions.
The weather is pleasant enough now, with temperatures in the mid-20s and spring fully springing, for me to be tormented between the idea of going for a run or heading to the pub for a very satisfying beer or two. Today being Monday and a day off for me, I was sorely tempted to head to the local establishment, for there are few things more gratifying than sitting in a beer garden on a perfect spring Monday morning (late morning!) watching people struggling to come to terms with it being Monday again. However, with a little gentle nagging from My Conscience Personified (who shall remain nameless) I headed out the door instead replete in running shorts and Nadal-style muscle shirt (wasted on me but what the heck).

And yes, yes I realise that most people inhabiting this forum would combine both activities: a gut-wrenching run followed by a well-deserved ale in the local brew house. Sadly I seem to find beer apres run sits heavily in the stomach and is not at all enjoyable. So I'm afraid it's one or the other with me... anyway a run it was. And today I took the trusty Garmin with me, as of late I have eschewed the number-slut device and enjoyed running free, yes, just like the lions: no watch, and no concerns about time or speed or distance unless of course there's a lame wilderbeest in my path to slay (of which there are fortunately very few in my neighbourhood).

The result was a little shocking. I covered far less distance than I thought, and took a whole lot longer than I thought. Clearly I am not running often enough and without sufficient method. This is genuinely scarey: if I don't pull my finger out, I'm in danger of losing my grip here people.

I need a plan. For that I need a goal. As much as I would like to target the Canberra marathon next April, that's too daunting a task just now, so I'm going to scout out some 10km races and maybe another half marathon. I have to be a little circumspect as I'm still scouting out real estate here in Sydney and finalising my permanency here.

With all the enthusiasm oozing out of the RC runners lately, I don't think motivation will be the problem. Logistics however, requires careful planning over a beer or three. Or maybe a bottle of red.


Or perhaps El G's onto something with this abstinence? No, surely not! Eek

Run. Just run.
20-10-2008, 08:45 AM,
Decisions, decisions.
Mid Life Crisis Man Wrote:Or perhaps El G's onto something with this abstinence? No, surely not! Eek

It's now more than 4 weeks since I last went near the devil's saliva.... and it feels great. It was the answer that suited me, but it won't be right for everyone.

I've bought a mountain of decent wine over the past 3 years, so I'm not contemplating the possibility of never drinking again. I've got too much good claret to experience. I just needed a break from it.

Interesting how we all have our own solutions. Some people (no names mentioned!) never seem to tamper much with food and drink intake, but are able to get fitter by regulating running only. I've tried that, but can't pull it off. If I drink, I eat too much, and motivation plummets. Simple. Only you know what works for you. I don't recall you having trouble drinking beer after a run. I thought that was part of your ritual. How about a glass or two of muscley Aussie wine?

The plan to do some 10Ks sounds good. A plan of any kind sounds good. Perhaps you don't have to name races at this point, but at least settle on a general target (a half marathon within 6 months, say). You can identify a particular race once you know where you'll be. Maybe a marathon sometime in 2009?

Do you ever read training schedules? If you've not looked at Hal Higdon's training page recently, give it a go: . He's added a few new things recently. Even if you don't religiously follow any in particular, I always find it motivating to look at different plans. I find myself checking the calendar and counting out how many weeks till some race or other.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
21-10-2008, 06:18 PM,
Decisions, decisions.
El Gordo Wrote:I don't recall you having trouble drinking beer after a run. I thought that was part of your ritual.

Yes but not until well after the event! There's no way I can drink beer directly after a run, sad though that may seem.

Yep, have used Higdon et al in the past, but at the moment I'm working ridiculous hours (leave at 5:30am, get home 8pm) so schedules are necessarily problematic. Still, I'm devising ways to work around it. For example this week I'm experimenting with getting up 10 minutes earlier and doing a short run around the block (just on 1km) on the days I work. This does two things: it keeps my legs from seizing up and keeps me in some kind of running routine so that I'm more inclined to go for a decent run on my days off.

Still some tinkering required but at least I'm out there - and enjoying it what's more! Even a short run at fo' in th' mornin' does surprisingly well at lifting me for the rest of the day.

Run. Just run.
21-10-2008, 09:02 PM,
Decisions, decisions.
I don't suppose a lunchtime run is a possibility? I've done that a few times when I've worked somewhere with shower facilities.

I feel sorry for you, really. I'm very lucky, working from home at the moment, which gives me a lot of leeway. I won't always be this fortunate, so need to take advantage.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
22-10-2008, 10:23 AM,
Decisions, decisions.
El Gordo Wrote:I don't suppose a lunchtime run is a possibility?

I don't get lunch breaks! Nice idea, otherwise. Sad
Run. Just run.
22-10-2008, 11:48 AM,
Decisions, decisions.

14 hour shifts, no lunch breaks.. remind me never to emigrate to Aus..

Well done for even considering a run in those conditions MLCM!
22-10-2008, 09:36 PM,
Decisions, decisions.
Bierzo Baggie Wrote:EekEek

14 hour shifts, no lunch breaks.. remind me never to emigrate to Aus.

That's what 8 years of conservative government does - completely and utterly erodes working conditions. That's why we called the PM during those years John "Thatcher" Howard. No friend of the worker I assure you.

But don't get me started on politics. :mad:

I'm off for a run (four runs in four days!!)
Run. Just run.
23-10-2008, 11:49 AM,
Decisions, decisions.
Like Sweder (see his blog from today), I'll never understand this running lark. After three runs in three days and a turn for worse in the weather, I felt terribly unhappy about getting out amongst it today, but eventually I did and it was brilliant! The lead fell from my legs and I felt fantastic - go figure?! I explored new territory, bounded up hills without fear or fatigue, and spent the best part of two hours pounding the streets with the enthusiasm of a dog that's escaped from its yard!

Yep, I'm feeling a new wave of enthusiasm as both the weather (apart from today) and my running fitness improves and today it clicked into place. I still haven't settled on a race yet, but I know there's one out there, waiting for me, lurking like a tax collector or traffic cop somewhere. Er, well maybe that's not such a great analogy. Um, never mind, we'll let that one through to the keeper I think. :o

Track du jour was a humdinger - I'm really surprised this one hasn't turned up before (at least not that I can remember) as it's a ready-made running song: U2's Where The Streets Have No Name:

I want to run
I want to hide
I want to tear down the walls
That hold me inside
I want to reach out
And touch the flame
Where the streets have no name

I want to feel, sunlight on my face
See that dust cloud disappear without a trace
I want to take shelter from the poison rain
Where the streets have no name

A fantastic driving intro just really gets the legs working overtime - a classic ball-tearer of a track. I just love it to bits and I'm staggered I haven't had it in my "Running Tracks" playlist already. Great stuff. Give it a whirl!

Run. Just run.
23-10-2008, 12:04 PM,
Decisions, decisions.
Yeah, a lot of U2 is great to run to.
Speaking of them, did you see this? I think it got posted a while back but it's always worth a look (and a cheesy grin).

Must be something in the global vibe today. Odd stuff.
2 hours?!! 2 hours . . . man that's a decent outing and no mistake.
Good work indeed Smile

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

23-10-2008, 12:08 PM,
Decisions, decisions.
Am just off out for my lunchtime run, so will report back if it really is a global vibe. Man.

Have also loaded up the iPod with a few U2 toons, so will check that out too.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
23-10-2008, 12:36 PM,
Decisions, decisions.
Sweder Wrote:did you see this? Smile

Oh mate you just caused me to waste too much time watching Bill Bailey skits on YouTube... Smile

Actually got to meet the bloke when he was out here recently - had to look after him for a bit when he was doing interviews. As is often the case though he was rather boring in reality - still jet lagged I think.

Here's what he thought of Australia.
Run. Just run.
23-10-2008, 02:57 PM,
Decisions, decisions.
Ah, Bill Bailey: celebrity QPR fan.

On a cultural exchange note, we went to see Tim Minchin a week or two ago. My wife's a big fan. I wasn't quite so keen. The guy's clearly a bit of a cult.

Edit: No, wait. I just thought about Tim Minchin again, and realised he was really good after all. I remembered his poem, "Storm". When it appears on the web, I'll post it.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
24-10-2008, 08:48 AM,
Decisions, decisions.
El Gordo Wrote:I just thought about Tim Minchin again, and realised he was really good after all. I remembered his poem, "Storm". When it appears on the web, I'll post it.

Tim's great in small doses - and being a fan of Donnie Darko, you'll love this.
Run. Just run.

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