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September, departing summer hath assumed
11-09-2015, 07:24 AM, (This post was last modified: 11-09-2015, 07:27 AM by Charliecat5.)
RE: September, departing summer hath assumed
I really couldn’t be arsed to go running last night, even though it had been planned all week.  And I very nearly didn’t make it; but following a stern word from Mrs CC5, I went.   I had decided to do a quick 3 miles around Sweder’s circuit, which I achieved, but my bloody lungs are shredded… I was really struggling to get enough oxygen into the engine.   This was very frustrating; particularly as last week I thought I was getting better.

I fear this is starting to put the JS20 in jeopardy.  I’ve had my doubts about it for a number of weeks, as I am far behind my training schedule, but have been, and still am, keeping my options open.  There are still four weeks of training available to me.  I’ll see what happens on Sunday’s long-haul run.  If I can crack out a decent mileage at a decent pace… then we could be on.  If I can’t then… … … …

Even with shredded lungs I managed a reasonably respectable pace last night – 8.18 min/mi which includes a steep hill.  This is still quite a way from my record on this route, but acceptable given the circumstances.  You may of course be wondering how I know this, given that I am now running naked!

I’ve fallen off the band-wagon.  The watch is back on my wrist.  I took it out last weekend for my long’un and realised that if I switch off all the notifications and just leave it tracking distance, I can leave it alone and not worry about my performance.  Even on last night’s run, it was noticeable that I was running to my body’s needs and wants, rather to what the head was trying to tell it.  Weak willed… may be.  But it seems a fair compromise to me!

On an interesting note… I was looking at my total elevation over the last 89 days and have now climbed the equivalent of Gangkhar Puensum in the Himalayas, which is an unclimbed mountain of 7,570 metres (according to Wiki).    Everest is 8,848 metres – not there’s a target.  
There is more to be done

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RE: September, departing summer hath assumed - by Charliecat5 - 11-09-2015, 07:24 AM

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