But still I drank the Champagne

Good Friday:

Another hour in the Ferrari magnet yesterday evening, panting like a demon, followed by a mountainous salad, bath, and early night between fresh sheets. Sleep arrives within seconds. I must have been glowing like a radioactive cadaver.

Today, up at 7, already at my desk, seated before my transcendental panorama, bowl of Birchermüesli in hand, squinting through the early morning sun shooting off the lake. Still buzzing from last night, and feeling appropriately holy. It should be called Bloody Good Friday. I have a number of writing projects to think about, and work on. They’ve been at my feet for a long time, like a cuddly dog with a single, suspicious eye,  always open, following me wherever I roam. Tripping me up on bad days; affectionately nibbling my toes on good.

Time for walkies.

The projects are mainly work-related, but there is also the little matter of the running book. Old timers will audibly groan at the very mention of this topic. It’s been floating unflushably in my life for about 5 years now. But there’s been a recent development. I can, at last, I think, see a way of tackling it. Up until now it’s been a corpse without a backbone, piled into a dark corner of my brain – but at last, I’ve started to see a possible structure there.

Easter Monday

Someone turned off the time tap, and my four days off work are dribbling to an end. We sampled the ramshackle Thai restaurant at the bottom of the hill, and drove across the German border to shop for shirts and chilli bratwurst and cheap Qualitätswein. We went to a workmate’s party in Lachen, at the other end of the lake. I sat in the sun and read a book called Persuasive Business Proposals. We planted herbs in the window box on the balcony, and put some more pictures up. I watched a lot of football on the Internet, but alas, am unable to report that my team has definitely clinched promotion to the Premier League. But still I drank the Champagne. I even managed to do some writing and some writing planning.

It was all nice. But tomorrow I will once again wear my dark suit and return to the office.

3 comments On But still I drank the Champagne

  • The running Book, do you wnat a proof reader???? count me in. Well done on the gym front, you’ll reach your target in no time.

  • It is almost certain that they’ll be promoted but we’ve now passed up on three opportunities to actually win the title. We have two more chances left to get the win we need, but would have been good to have done it in style last weekend.

  • mid life crisis man

    Surely QPR will go through now??

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