C25K W2D3 – Half a Sovereign

The survey of local running locations continues, this time with Sovereign Harbour, Eastbourne’s marina and lifestyle hub. It’s a good place to bring visitors, and to mooch round the inner harbour, peering approvingly at the moored boats groaning and clanking in the breeze. Landlubbers have a fascination with these craft and their gnarly denizens though it’s hard to pinpoint why.

Despite the charm of the place, it turns out not to be a great running location. I couldn’t get going for 50% of the time I was supposed to be running. Overcomplicated. Too many people, narrow paths, sharp corners, single-file bridges, and locks that constantly open and close, disrupting the silky gazelle-like motion of the dedicated athlete. And annoying for me too. With hindsight, I can see how to improve it. Not the layout of the marina; that would be demanding too much. I mean improving a running plan. That’s to treat the meander around the inner harbour as a warm-up until reaching the outer, and the coastal path. I’ll scamper round this area again soon but will leave running until reaching the Martello tower on the seafront. More on the engrossing topic of Martello towers another time.

Note: after writing the above, I realised that the Eastbourne Half Marathon was happening today (Sunday 23 Feb) and on checking the route, noted that it goes all round Sovereign Harbour. So there is clearly running potential there after all. Perhaps it was the crowds that made it tricky yesterday. Memo to self: avoid the marina on a Saturday.

I normally visit Lidl only to peruse their small but excellent wine selection. Today, after my stroll around the cemetery, I popped in to pick up — with slight difficulty, but I suppose that’s the point — a kettlebell. After swishing it round my ample frame a few times I feel like I’ve rolled down a rocky hillside with my hands tied behind my back.

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