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Welcome home Jog Shop Joggers! - Onewithwind - 27-05-2006

Hi running dude peeps
First thing Monday would be find with me. But in the interest of expediency my suggestion is top o' the stairs as usual at 9:00. We can decide the distance then. All in favour sign on here.

Welcome home Jog Shop Joggers! - Onewithwind - 11-06-2006

This week's been a bit like running up a hill.........Everybody has been quiet and that's pants haha. Befitting my user name I shall break the silence lmao Big Grin
I have attached three maybe logos for JSJ's perusal - any comments, suggestions welcome - criticism ignored; hatemail returned. The colours and font style I have lifted from Sam's site. When we've decided on a logo/s we can run them past him for approval. Perhaps adding his URL to the final logo as by way of advertising?

For those of you who have not ventured up the snake lately, I did an untimed 8 miler this morning, which I have now christened 'The Shambles'. This is how I felt when I started. I was going to run yesterday morning, but all I can say about that is, if you find yourself, late on a Friday night, drinking gin and coke 'cos it is the only alcohol left, it is time you should have left already.

The snake has turned from a sludgy mud slide into glorious English meadow and is well worth the effort.

Chris, I tried to enter the Bewl 15 miler online. However, you can only enter it on-line now if you are an affiliated runner, which I'm not. So, as the man says, the cheque's in the post.



Welcome home Jog Shop Joggers! - Sweder - 11-06-2006

It would have been nice to have joined you this morning Rog. Sadly my summer lurghie is in full swing - too much dark green putty lurking in the lungs for running to be considered.

I'd like to do a Snake run next weekend though. What time did you start? It was bloody warm at 10am so maybe an 08:00 kick-off makes sense?

Like the logo idea.
As you say, best to run it past the Great Man for final approval.
The URL would be a nice touch - free advertising would be a nice 'thank you' for all the winter training.

Off to melt on Seaford beach this afternoon - mayeb a dip in the icy waters to cool the blood.

Pip pip!

Welcome home Jog Shop Joggers! - Moyleman - 11-06-2006

Hiya fellas

Had a glorious 2hr plod ending up on the snake this morn.

It was me, Gary and scottish vet Helena - that braved the sticky heat and

Maybe next week you guys ?

Like the logo by the way - maybe some hawaiian colours rog !!

Welcome home Jog Shop Joggers! - Onewithwind - 12-06-2006

Hmph it would have been nice to have been invited ......Wouldn't have come anyway 'cause I went real early.
If anyone is interested, Hove lagoon have a bbq at the deep sea anglers club
on the beach behind hove lagoon on 24th June £12 includes bbq, cheap late bar, disco.
If anyone wants tickets let me know.
Hope you are well soon Ash - best wishes
I'm on late shift this week so will be running early am tomorrow and probably Thursday - incidentally chick rock band McQueen are playing Shoreham festival in the evening wow.

cheers rog

Welcome home Jog Shop Joggers! - Moyleman - 12-06-2006

Hiya Rog / Ash

Are you out this Sunday, for a 2hr plod ?


Welcome home Jog Shop Joggers! - Onewithwind - 12-06-2006

Aw Shucks :o Don't know what to say now........OK yes

Same time? Same place?



Welcome home Jog Shop Joggers! - Sweder - 12-06-2006

Still fighting off a hacking cough - no running yet this week.
I may give it a miss unless I can get out for a couple of quickies towards the end of the week.
Hopefully back in action soon Sad

Welcome home Jog Shop Joggers! - Moyleman - 13-06-2006

Hiya all

Yep, 9am Marina as usual - lets hope its nice weather.
