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Terrific Time To Taper
17-10-2004, 06:00 PM,
Terrific Time To Taper
With 3 weeks to go till race day, I'm not too sure whether today was my last long run. Deep down I suspect it was, but I'll see how I recover over the next few days.

Solid preparation showed as I really felt quite comfortable for most of it. That was until I was kicked in the shins (or calfs) by complacency with 2.6 miles to go. Sad It never ceases to amaze me just how much mental toughness is required for a long run. My route took me back to where I'd parked the car but just as I needed those further couple of miles, so it was also the time that I needed to chuck it all in an head off to the pub. Spent. That hopeless feeling when you question why you ever started, screaming calfs and a dodgy ache coming from the groin, dying would have been an attractive option.

I knew I had to run 1.3 miles further along the seafront into a stiff breeze (wot a surprise Rolleyes ), and the turn would take me back to the car bang on target.

That way out was tough, very tough. It was when I took my first walk break. I felt bad for having to do it, but my mind told me I had no choice. I rremember flapping to a halt and walking with a loud "fuck me" - much to the surprise of the elderly couple who were reading a newly erected sign about local wildlife off to my left!

I ran-walked to the turn, the arsing GPS jobbie taking an age to click over.

I'm not really sure what happened, and I'll be damned if I can explain it, but on the turn a mental strength then just seemed to take over. The last 1.3, with the wind and back to the car; back to a drink and a towel and, and well everything I wanted right at that moment. For me, that moment was like the turn into The Mall!

True to its word, jobbie clicked over and finished on 20.02 miles.

17-10-2004, 07:06 PM,
Terrific Time To Taper
Well done on the 20, SP, in what sounds like difficult conditions.

Just out of interest, do you ever use gels? I can't remember if we've had this conversation. I did mention it to someone recently. I had one today, and I think it made a difference. Unusally for me, I kept chugging along for 10 miles without a walk break. It might just help to keep the fatigue at bay.

Not sure I would do another 20 with 3 weeks to go. Probably too risky (for me anyway) How about the 12, then 8 that Hal Higdon recommends for the last 2 weekends?

Not long to go....
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
17-10-2004, 07:23 PM,
Terrific Time To Taper
Yes I used a gel today, and it wasn't all that bad either.

Lemon & lime gatorade mainly, and water obviously. Today I took the gel at 11 miles. Didn't notice any considerable difference, but then without it....? Who knows.
17-10-2004, 07:35 PM,
Terrific Time To Taper
They do say (he muttered mysteriously) that they don't have any effect for about 4 miles, so you have to anticipate your tiredness. I took one today after just 4 miles, which I guess should have boosted me at around 8. Hard to say whether it did, but I certainly kept plodding on without walking, so who knows?
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
17-10-2004, 07:42 PM,
Terrific Time To Taper
Well we obviously don't. Big Grin
17-10-2004, 09:20 PM,
Terrific Time To Taper
Superbly well done, SP. 20 miles in training is so much harder than the race. And, what's that I read - 17.4 miles before your first walk break ?! That's mighty impressive, and at least 11 miles further than I've ever managed in training.

NY sounds like it's in the bag now - with the hardest stretch successfully behind you. A gentle warm-down and then true glory awaits. Enjoy your achievement in getting this far - you deserve it !
17-10-2004, 10:36 PM,
Terrific Time To Taper
Effing excellent work! And dare I ask what time you ran it in?
Run. Just run.
18-10-2004, 09:28 AM,
Terrific Time To Taper
yeah sure, ask away!

3.41 - (with a bathroom break*)

* Did you notice I'm getting in the mood by slipping in the odd americanism? Big Grin
22-10-2004, 07:27 PM,
Terrific Time To Taper
with the taper.

After the 20 miler last weekend I waited until Wednesday before venturing out again for a ploddy 6 miles. I still haven't run in my kit for the day, which is as the pic on my webpage, Whaddya mean you haven't looked? but a black technical top instead of white, more colour co-ordinated says Mrs SPRolleyes

4 more later this afternoon, building up to 13 miles either tomorrow or Sunday.

It's been a bit breezy around these parts lately, and as I was plodding, head down into the wind along the seafront, I suddenly became aware of all these people around me. Now I know my running deserves a crowd, but rarely do I seem to attract one.

Then I saw what they had all turned up to see. Just a bit of debris washed up on the shore! Like I said, it's been a bit breezy here lately...Eek

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22-10-2004, 08:12 PM,
Terrific Time To Taper
Erm... what is it?
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
22-10-2004, 11:56 PM,
Terrific Time To Taper
It's an upturned floating crane platform (with one leg missing).

Honestly! Some people... Rolleyes

To give some idea of its size, a person would be about the same height as of one of those red pillar thingys along the side nearest the shoreline..

Or more technically, it's a big bugger.
23-10-2004, 05:06 AM,
Terrific Time To Taper
So THAT'S where it got to ... lost that nearly two years ago. Cost me my job and all.
Run. Just run.
23-10-2004, 10:17 PM,
Terrific Time To Taper
Hi SP.

Sounds like it's all coming together now.

Regarding the piccie, you can see where the problem is can't you? There's a bolt missing on the right hand leg at the back. Bleeding obvious.

I've taken to using power gels and power bars. When I ran in Toral I didn't have time for breakfast (actually there was nothing open at 6am - the villiage had only just gone to bed) as it was an 8 o'clock start so 2 power bars washed down with 1/2 litre of water 2 hours beforehand provided a good carbo fillip (I don't know if you've tried them but I like either the capucchino or peach/passion fruit flavours).

Whilst warming up I managed to squeeze in a large cafe con leche and a croissant 20 minutes before the start and then during the race I had 4 gels strapped about my person. I only used 3 which was probably a tad unwise, I should have used the other one aswell. I think that one every 5 miles or so would keep you topped up on the way round.

Enjoy the taper, don't go looking for extra miles, the hard bit has been done now. Stick a couple of short fartlek sessions in your taper and you'll be buzzing.

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