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Last days before the off
18-04-2006, 11:09 AM,
Last days before the off
Have stuck pretty much to Hal’s novice schedule in the last week or so, most runs have been OK, couldn’t say any more about them really, have stuck to the slow training pace and will just see what happens on the day. Have experienced some interesting weather, the 9 miler we did the weekend before last had everything, freezing cold wind, icy rain, good sized hail stones – they really hurt - I was very relieved that I had worn my woolly hat, afforded some protection. Best thing about it was the realisation that it was the last time I would have to run that particular route ever again.

Am really hoping that it won’t be warm in London, I’m just not used to running in anything but lousy conditions, sun would be a killer. The eight miler done this weekend was warmer than usual, so much so that I actually had the merest film of perspiration on my brow – Mr SW was in his usual state, ie looking like he had just been swimming in his running kit, water streaming off him like an otter who’s just exited a pool. Good job he doesn’t shake himself too, I think he may need to take on several gallons of water over the course just to make up for everything that leaks out of his pores.

Had a pleasant couple of days away over the weeknd wandering about on beaches and cliff tops stoking up on glorious fish and chips, will pack in the pasta this week and will make a brave attempt to cut down on the beer (sigh). I'm panicking - why on earth did I volunteer for this?
18-04-2006, 08:52 PM,
Last days before the off
Great stuff, SW. Hal's schedule delivers, and you can be sure of that. The race is pure reward now.

Have a great race !
19-04-2006, 11:54 PM,
Last days before the off
SW - Are you going to join us at our pasta meal in London on Saturday?

Would be nice to meet you.

If I don't see you, best of luck on Sunday.

El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
20-04-2006, 10:01 AM,
Last days before the off
Yep, Mr SW and yours truly will be there. Looking forward to putting faces to text. Am attempting to go on the wagon between now and Sunday, had the best part of bottle of red and a couple of g & t's last night when friends popped round - going to bed at 1am probably wasn't a good idea either - never mind, only 2 miles to run today - hooray!
20-04-2006, 12:38 PM,
Last days before the off
Look forward to meeting you.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
20-04-2006, 01:08 PM,
Last days before the off
Hoping to make it for a nightcap - or perhaps a coffee - at the tail end of the RC Pasta Party. My shindig is scheduled to close around 8.30; I'll hot-foot it over soonest thereafter. It will a pleasure to meet everyone and raise a glass to y'all for Sunday.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

21-04-2006, 10:10 AM,
Last days before the off
OK Sweder, you raise the glass and I'll watch you drink it - what a shame we can't turn the RC Pasta Party into a RC Beer Fest. - maybe next time?

(Incidentally, the nerves have set in big time this morning, HELP)
21-04-2006, 10:15 AM,
Last days before the off
stillwaddler Wrote:(Incidentally, the nerves have set in big time this morning, HELP)

Good news. It's healthy to feel some nervousness.

(Crikey. 26 miles eh...? That is a very long way..... Big Grin )
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.

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