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Summer running
21-12-2005, 03:28 AM,
Summer running
I was surprised last Saturday to discover that I work with a Commonwealth Games athlete. Turns out one of our part-timers returned to running last January after a break and has already qualified for the Games in middle distance events. In the course of making polite running-based conversation I asked her what her 5k time was, to which she replied "15:40". Makes me sick! Still, she did give me the good oil on where to go for decent shoe advice and runner's gear down here. Very kind of her to oblige an old coodabeen and wannabe, I reckon.

Also received some good advice from the local chemist, to which I had to resort after the onset of bad hayfever (unusual for me). Fortunately some appropriate antihistamines have laregly fixed that and not curtailed my running, albeit at the cost of failing the post-race drug test Rolleyes

One great advantage of my new, southerly abode is that being much cooler here than back in Adelaide, I can run pretty much any time of day. Adelaide was so darn hot in summer I could only run very late at night, and even then it was often 30 degrees or more (Celsius). Here I can run at my preferred time of late morning or early evening, which is much, much better.

The hayfever led to an amazing revelation at work the other day. I had one of those annoying "sneezes that wouldn't", and to get the thing out one of my workmates told me to look at a bright light. Puzzled at this suggestion he went on to tell me about "photonic sneezing", a syndrome where sufferers are given to bouts of sneezing when exposed to bright light. I had never heard of it, but apparently it's quite common. Weird, but common.

On the running front, I have disovered a really useful 26km out-and-back (i.e. 13km each way) mountain trail not far from home. Apart from being a beautiful trail, it has two great things going for it: it has kilometre markers along the length of it, and it's flat, following the countours of the mountain. So a useful alternative to the treadmill and definitely helpful for the long runs later on.

In the meantime, I'm interspersing my treadmill runs with hard walking and strength work.

And having a ball Smile
Run. Just run.
26-12-2005, 07:27 PM,
Summer running
I had one of those long tiring days that leave you too tired and totally lacking in motivation for running. But, well it was scheduled, so I had to do it, didn't I? [Pause to polish halo]

The weird thing was, within about two minutes of setting off, I suddenly felt great, and finished one of my best, and fastest runs in months. I was buzzing for hours afterwards, wondering what the hell happened and who was it who spiked my drink Smile

I tell you, this running lark has got bells on.

Meanwhile, the Hobart waterfront here is being transformed in readiness for the arrival of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race fleet very soon. Quite an amazing place to be over the New Year period.

Life's not bad, Bruce. Not bad at all.
Run. Just run.
30-12-2005, 06:39 AM,
Summer running
Currently spending a week back in the ol' town of Adelaide. Talk about heat! From the cozy 25 degrees (Celsius) of a Hobartian summer's day to the scorchingly murderous hell that is Adelaide in the grip of 42 degrees - so hot that aircon doesn't work; so hot that you get third degree burns if you touch anything outside without the greatest of care; so hot that the cold water is hot; swimming pools are hot; dogs, cats, budgies and the elderly keel over by the bucketful. And of course, too damned hot to go for a run.

So I haven't.

We won the cricket though Smile As Sweder has already pointed out - Mike Hussey, what a star! Five tests, three centuries and a batting average somewhere near Bradman's. Just as well mind, as Gilchrist has hit a form slump to rival all form slumps Sad

Must finish off - my keyboard's melting.
Run. Just run.

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