Bueno Estente for Maratón de Madrid
23-04-2005, 08:22 AM,
Bueno Estente for Maratón de Madrid
Good luck to everyone in the Madrid Marathon this Sunday, especially Sampedro. Sounds like it may be a cool one - here's to cool and dry and super-fast times . . .

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

23-04-2005, 08:44 AM,
Bueno Estente for Maratón de Madrid
Good luck in Madrid marathon, Sampedro and all that will take part in it tomorrow. Buena suerte en el maratón de Madrid.

I wish I could go but I haven´t trained enough. Last year it was very hot and there are a few hills but the atmosphere is wondeful. Take it easy and enjoy as much as possible, Sampedro.

Greetings from Almería Saludos desde Almería

23-04-2005, 09:46 AM,
Bueno Estente for Maratón de Madrid
Y lo mismo desde aqui, Sampedro - que corres como el viento ! Run like the wind.

And Andy, it's a pleasure to wish you einen sehr guten Fahrt !
25-04-2005, 08:24 PM,
Bueno Estente for Maratón de Madrid
Sampedro was in the shop this afternoon, looking decidedly well. Perhaps it was because he'd just come from a massage but he was walking normally. I'd like to post his time but that's for him to do. All I can say is that it's a fine result for Madrid in any conditions, but even better considering his haphazard training (running training that is, Guinness drinking is another matter).
26-04-2005, 08:38 AM,
Bueno Estente for Maratón de Madrid
Hi everybody. I am back from Madrid. I arrived to A Coruña on Sunday night, about 9 PM.
I left to Madrid on Friday afternoon, I have family there so I wanted to spend a couple of days with them, room & board included…
On Satuday morning I went early to “Casa de Campo” to queue for my “official number”. I was there about 10:30 but they didn’t open the doors until 11:00 am. I met some friends from another forum and we talked for awhile about our targets in the race, that way time passed faster. The fact is that once the door opened we picked up the number very quickly and went to see the stands at the exhibition. I left back home about 1 pm, lunch with the family and in the afternoon I went shopping to IKEA, a big mess, traffic jam and so on….

On Sunday morning I met some friends before the race started, warm up together and decided that we could try 3H:15m. The weather was perfect, mild, about 18 or 19ºC at the time the race started (9:30 am). AS I said me and a friend of mine decided to go for 3:15 so we wanted to follow the man with the 3:15 balloon that was supposed to keep the pace to get that mark. Unfortunately we were too far from him and due to the crowd in front of us we were not able to go forward. We decided to stay and try to reach him in the first 5 Km. After the first 2/3Km I could see that my partner was feeling stronger than me and I told him to go, as I thought I could pay the effort later. So I began to keep a more comfortable pace.
I reached the half marathon in 1H:37m in my watch), it was ok so far, I could still finish in 3:15. But I know MAPOMA and it is too hard to double in the second half.
Everything was going quite well until the 37, at this point (even before) Madrid becomes a constant slope, some of them really hard. I found really hard to follow the same pace as before and I had to slow down a bit, I could recover myself and found a new colleague from Lugo to run the final 2 Km, that way I could push a little harder and reach the finish line in 3H:19m. I couldn’t do it in 3:15 but I was happy anyway, considering that I haven’t done the best of the training for this MAPOMA. Once again I sworn when I crossed the finish line that I would not run MAPOMA anymore, it’s inhuman to run those final 7 Km… but I still have to settle up things with MAPOMA, but it won’t be next year.
Now all I want is to rest and get ready for the next challenge……

(By the way, thank you everyone for your good wishes that I didn’t see the day before MAPOMA.)
(I hope you can understand all I tried to say, it’s a bit messy)
26-04-2005, 09:06 AM,
Bueno Estente for Maratón de Madrid
great for you to get another Madrid under you belt. Hope your recovery is going well. 3hrs 19 is a brilliant time, I stand in awe.
26-04-2005, 12:43 PM,
Bueno Estente for Maratón de Madrid
Congratulations, S. 4 minutes more than expected is nothing. Well done!

Although Madrid marathon is hard, the atmosphere is great. I wish I could have done it this year again but I haven´t trained much. Reading your report reminded me of my marathon last year having to run and walk the last kilometres uphill. I also met Riazor Blue there and we went to Carreraspopulares.com lunch at Pizza Jardin meeting a few forumites and Julio Rey.

Saludos desde Almería.

26-04-2005, 03:00 PM,
Bueno Estente for Maratón de Madrid
Sampedro, you are truly a hero. 3:19 is a time of day, not a marathon time!
Congratulations and enjoy your rest after such a great effort.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

26-04-2005, 04:18 PM,
Bueno Estente for Maratón de Madrid
Just to reiterate. Well done on a great time on what is reputed to be a beast of race.

26-04-2005, 10:26 PM,
Bueno Estente for Maratón de Madrid
Great running, Sampedro. By my calculations, that puts you about 10 km and a couple of San Miguels ahead of me at the finish....

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