Seeking Ian Painter?
10-01-2006, 08:31 AM,
Seeking Ian Painter?
Anybody seen Mr. Breathless in Blisworth lately? His web site seems to have been down for some time Confused
Run. Just run.
11-01-2006, 11:00 PM,
Seeking Ian Painter?
I haven't checked it for a while, but it was up last time I looked. Must have been a few months ago though. I just tried it now, and got a 404. Will try again in a few days. If it's still down, then I guess he's given up. A shame. I used to find his grumpiness very entertaining.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
21-01-2006, 03:14 PM,
Seeking Ian Painter?
Only just got to this as I have been far too cheerful in recent months to maintain my website or look at anyone else'sBig Grin

I am still running, but as all good things must come to an end, decided to leave the website alone and concede to the growing number of bloggers.

Happy running all.
21-01-2006, 11:01 PM,
Seeking Ian Painter?
Ah well, it's great to see you're happy Smile

Thanks for your past efforts - they were great and much appreciated. Cheers mate.
Run. Just run.
25-01-2006, 09:36 PM,
Seeking Ian Painter?
Thanks for the interest. It is heartwarming to know that anyone remembers Breathless in Blisworth at all. I do really appreciate the people that read my website and hope I keep in touch with many of them, wherever they are. The thing that put me off continuing, was the influx of blogs dedicated to nothing more than the London Marathon and Silverstone/Bath/Reading leading up to it.
The original runners website belonged to Mike Henry, the "Reluctant Runner" who I had the pleasure to meet and correspond with. The rest of us have been second rate in comparison and I for one am pleased to back down gracefully to concentrate on my running.
26-01-2006, 08:39 AM,
Seeking Ian Painter?
Ian Wrote:The thing that put me off continuing, was the influx of blogs dedicated to nothing more than the London Marathon and Silverstone/Bath/Reading leading up to it.

Another "long time-no post" member here.

I thought the above sentiment was a bit unnecessary. Wasn't Ian's and Andy's running diaries both started for the London Marathon too? And even the "Reluctant Runner" one that Ian mentions was also about training for London. I still haven't done the FLM but I have done Reading twice and really enjoyed it. Seems to me from reading the Runners World forum sometime that there are lots of peeps about who have done the London marathon, then instantly become hostile towards anyone else who aspires to it.

Theres a new generation of young runners who are discovering these big, popular races just like Andy and Ian did 4 or 5 years ago. I haven't really kept up with new 'blogs' about them, but if they are half as interesting as some of the stuff I read on this forum then it can't be a bad thing.

We all start somewhere! :o

Keep up the good work everyone. All the people who post here are an inspiration for me, especially while I was injured for most of last year.
26-01-2006, 08:51 AM,
Seeking Ian Painter?
Thanks 'Egg.
I couldn't agree more about the FLM. Nigel's always impressed me with his continued affection for the race, but it seems a rare sentiment. I think those of us who've been there done that and got the (finishers) T-shirt have a duty of care to the Newbies.

This site inspires me whenever my enthusiasm for running takes a holiday.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

26-01-2006, 11:41 AM,
Seeking Ian Painter?
The FLM is a great race and I think most people who do it or have done it think the same, so I don't think it's that rare a sentiment, Sweder.

Personally, because I don't do more than 1 or 2 a year, I prefer to try different ones, but I would never discourage anyone from doing London. It's a great race for a first timer in particular because of the crowd support, the carnival atmosphere, and the ease with which (British) friends and relatives can get there. I would hope to do it again sometime, but there are some others I'd like to sample first. It also gives me some leverage on my other half. If I can offer a long weekend or a week in a place we've not been to before, it sugars the pill of several months' training.

If keeping a blog helps people stay motivated for a marathon or other race, I'd support them all the way. It certainly helped me, so I could hardly look askance Eek at anyone doing the same thing.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.

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