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28-02-2005, 09:28 PM,
I made a decision.

I've not reported much of late, dunno why really. It's probably because I've not trained much. I can count on the fingers of one hand how many runs I've had since Almería, and nothing at all since Brighton last weekend. Currently I have no appetite for training; the 16+ mile runs I should be doing now just don't appeal. I feel flat.

The toe nail fell off of the morning of the race (hence new avatar!) But I picked up a calf injury within the first 5 miles that had me considering whether to bale out at half way. True also that dispite the injury I ran the course 2 minutes quicker than Almería. Some success!

No it belongs deeper than the calf. To be honest I just don't that I've exorcised the painful memories of the last 1/4 of New York. No sooner had I got home did I receive the FLM acceptance pack. Bugger! I think I said, and Bugger I meant! No time to wallow, and certainly no time to mentally recover from what was an extremely tough experience.

Half marathons are fun. They don't require you to sign your life away for months on end, yet they are sufficiently long to be a challenge. I think I'll stick to these for a while, hell I may even do a 10k as I've yet to tackle one. But today I decided to defer my FLM place and see if I feel any better about another marathon next year.

I know deep down that next year will be no different, but from the experience of running London and Dublin in the same year I know I have made the right decision. I shall keep running, keep up the diary and keep ticking over. Right through until the first doubts creep in again around about Christmas time.

This time though, I'll be ready.
01-03-2005, 08:20 AM,
Sorry to hear that, SP. It was always going to be a big stretch, and I echo your implicit quote of Hal Higdon that in order to run a marathon well, you can only really embark on this once you have safely forgotten the marathon before. NY seemed to burn itself into your mind to such an extent that this was not easily achieved. There will be plenty of time to enjoy this great festival of running in 2006.

Now, in the meantime, if only I could think of someone keen to take up that gold dust-like place.....
01-03-2005, 12:16 PM,
Seems like you have made a good decision SP, hope your calf improves soon. You've got loads of time to train for next year!
01-03-2005, 01:08 PM,
Sad to hear SP, but you've made the right choice.
We speak about Marathons as if they're a walk in the park (well, they are for some of us!) but it's a major physical commitment and you have to be 100 % sure or you could do yourself some real damage.

I'll wager now you've made your choice public a weight will lift from your shoulders and when you get back out there it will be in better spirits.
See you soon.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

01-03-2005, 10:21 PM,
What a tough decision you had to make. But as Sweder said, you probably feel like a weight has been lifted from your shoulders. You can't run a marathon unless your heart and soul are in it - it takes too much out of you with all the training and stuff. To me, it became my life. And if you're having doubts, it just isn't fun.

I've given myself this year to just enjoy and run half marathons - which as you say are so much more easier to do. You can actually enjoy the training and the races! So stick with that until you feel the 'itch' again - and it will happen!

On a happier (?) note - maybe we'll both be running London next year? I plan on trying to get in again and who knows? We could be doing our training 'kind of' together. Until then, we can enjoy the halfs and be happy with our running - we are running after all.

02-03-2005, 10:07 AM,
Excellent decision SP! Now you'll have MUCH more time to sit down and learn to enjoy the noble game of cricket... Our boys will be over there in a few months to give you a few lessons, so you've timed it perfectly!

Bloody excellent Smile
Run. Just run.

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