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My training for a marathon
28-12-2003, 06:21 PM,
My training for a marathon
I Intend. to run Madrid marathon on 25th April 2004 and I want to follow Hal Higdon´s novice schedule, ,in order to finish my first marathon after fifteen years. I want to adapt it to my circumstances, so I may change something depending on how I feel one day or if ,due to work, I can´t do all the distance but , in general, I´ll try to follow it. However, I think I´d rather rest on Tuesdays and run on Mondays since I don´t like running three successive days.

If you don´t mind, I´d like to write a weekly report on my training so that I feel more motivated to accomplish the plan. Although I´m not good at writing unlike Andy who is a very witty writer, I hope you won´t get too bored when you read my weekly reports.

First of all, I´ll give some data about me. My name´s Antonio López. I´m forty-five years old. I come from Almería, Spain where I live. If you want to have a general view of this province in the south-east of Spain, you can have a look at I´m a teacher of English at a secondary school. I´m married. We´ve got a six-year-old son. I´m 1 metre 70 cms tall. My weight is 80,3 kilos. Although I´ve lost 9 kilos since 1st September, I´d like to reach 77 kgs for the marathon day. This won´t be my first marathon since I ended two in Madrid in 1988 and 1989 but I stopped running regularly several years ago because I had a calf injury and I preferred riding on bicycle although not regularly. My BP at marathon fifteen years ago was 3 hours 46 minutes, however, I´d be very happy if I could do it under 5 hours. I started training regularly again in September 2002 in order to finish my hometown half marathon on 13th October. As I hadn´t trained well, I got a calf injury which made me go to a physiotherapist and a chiropodist who advised me to use insoles because he noticed that I´ve got a leg a little longer than the other one -6 mm- which made the longer leg suffer more and get injured more easily. I´ve finished four half marathons and other shorter races so far. My BP in half marathon in this new stage is 2 hours 17 minutes. My goal is to be able to do it under two hours six minutes three or four weeks before the marathon, at a six minute pace each kilometre.

28-12-2003, 08:00 PM,
My training for a marathon
Good luck with the schedule and the writing Antonio. You're right about one thing though, Andy sure is a shining wit. Smile

 Mr Spooner might have said....Eek

28-12-2003, 09:53 PM,
My training for a marathon
Stead-eeee, SP :-)

Antonio, great idea to use the forum as a training diary. You are more than welcome to let us know how you're getting on, and I'm sure we can help each other out.

I've used the Hal Higdon Novice programme twice, and can recommend it. This time around, assuming I ever get rid of this awful cold, I'm planning on stepping up to the Intermediate I schedule though, to be honest I think it's a bit further than I want to go in terms of mileage. I may end up back with the novice programme too, or more likely, a hybrid of the two.

Hal Higdon is very happy for people to make adjustments at the margin with his programmes. If you want to ask him a specific question, you can always post a message on his marathon training forum.

One small piece of advice with the novice schedule. I think it's not a bad idea to schedule 2 twenty mile runs instead of just the one there is at present.

Regarding your training diary, you've given me an idea. I could create a new forum specifically for training diaries. What do you think?
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
28-12-2003, 10:10 PM,
My training for a marathon
Hello, Andy

I hope you´re getting better from your cough. I´m sure you will soon be able to train again.

Thanks a lot for welcoming my training diary and for your pieces of advice. I think it would be great to share training diaries so that we can help each other and get ideas to improve our training or not to fall in the same mistakes.

I thought it would be a good idea to write my diary as you were also getting prepared for a marathon on the same date so that it could help me my marathon schedule. At least, it has helped me to lose weight by writing each week about my weight in a Spanish forum.

Well, I hope you all can reach your goals next year. Happy New Year! ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!


28-12-2003, 10:13 PM,
My training for a marathon
No problem, Antonio, I'll set something up.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
28-12-2003, 10:15 PM,
My training for a marathon
Hello, Seafront Plodder

Thank you for encouraging me with my training programme. I expect not to diasappoint all of you.

Good luck! Happy New Year! ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

28-12-2003, 10:35 PM,
My training for a marathon
OK, I've created a new category called Training Diaries, and copied this thread there.

If you want to have your own training diary forum, just drop me a line at , and I'll set it up for you.

I'll leave it to you to decide whether you want to create new threads for each day, or just keep adding to the same one.


El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
28-12-2003, 10:45 PM,
My training for a marathon
Interesting idea. I'm not following any very strict plan at the moment but I keep threatening myself with a Half marathon sometime later in 2004, so when I take the plunge I'll write some kind of training log here.

Good luck to Antonio and his marathon training.


29-12-2003, 07:55 AM,
My training for a marathon
Thank you very much for the interest you´ve taken in my training diary, Andy. I hope you won´t feel disappointed with it. I don´t think it´s worth while creating my own training diary forum. I´d rather send a weekly report each Monday. I´d like everybody to feel free to make any suggestions to improve my way of training or correct the mistakes that I´ll probably make in English.

Good Egg, I´m glad you intend to get prepared to run a half marathon. I´m sure you´ll be able to do it. Perhaps a good chance could be your hometown half, Bristol, in September, Anyway, good luck to all of you.


29-12-2003, 08:32 AM,
My training for a marathon
Sorry, maybe I've put presssure on you. OK, let's wait and see. If anyone else joins in, I'll keep it as it is. If no one does, I'll put it back to how it was. Let's give it a week.

El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
29-12-2003, 02:58 PM,
My training for a marathon
Hello, Andy

Please, don´t worry. It´s no pressure. I´m sending my report on week eighteen. I´d like you all to tell me what you don´t like so that I can change for the next week report.

Greetings from Almería and happy New Year.

29-12-2003, 03:00 PM,
My training for a marathon
Week 18. 22nd -28th December.
This is going to be an unusual week since I want to finish the year running the San Silvestre race at El Ejido, at thirty kms from Almería. It will be held on Saturday at 5 pm. I took part last year for the first time and I liked the atmosphere quite a lot. It is a 2.200 m. course along the main avenue but you have to run it five times which is a bit boring but as other athletes overtake me I´ll never be alone. It is 11kms long. Last year I did it in 63 minutes. I hope I´ll be able to lower it a few seconds.

On Monday 22nd I had a rest. On Tuesday, I left home at 9 o´clock because I´m on holidays. I usually have to go for a run at 6.30 a.m. when it´s still dark and a bit cold . It´s great to run with the sun shining, feeling neither cold nor hot, looking at the sea while plodding and happy to start my training for Madrid marathon on 25th April if everything is all right. I decided to wear my old trainers since I felt uncomfortable in my right ankle with the new ones I had used for the first time last Saturday while I was doing a similar course to El Ejido´s San Silvestre race in which I intend to take part next Saturday. First I did some warming-up and stretching, then I went running feeling my legs still a bit stiff after last Saturday´s 12 kms and Sunday´s ride on bicycle. I started at the sea front just opposite where I live as far as the end of the first part of the sea front. It took me 16´55´´. I came back and when I had been running for 23 minutes I went faster one minute and slower the next minute for three times. Then I got to the starting point again in 33´33´´. I went on until I had done 40 minutes. In all, I did about 6 kms. Then I walked backwards for about four minutes and did some stretching, especially on my calves. I saw some other runners, most of them faster than me but I´m glad I have started my preparation although my wife thinks I shouldn´t run longer distances than a half marathon because she thinks I can get an injury easily but I can´t help trying it since I want to live again the magical experience of finishing a marathon.

On Wednesday, I drove to Pechina, a little town near Almería at the foot of Sierra Alhamilla, because a friend of mine, Manuel, spends Christmas holidays there at her mother´s house. He lives in Barcelona and has taken part in many marathons and half marathons such as Barcelona, Madrid, London, Athens, New York. He took part in N.Y. marathon last November finishing in 3 hours 30 minutes. I met him through the internet in Almería last September and I told him that at Christmas I´d like to run from Pechina to Baños de Sierra Alhamilla, a beautiful place up in the Alhamilla range of mountains with a spring of hot water and a spa. We left from the town centre at 9.10 and went along some streets to the lonely steep road that leads to Baños de Sierra Alhamilla. It was a sunny day with a cloudless sky. Although Manuel is used to running faster, actually, the previous day he had done the same run in 53 minutes, he didn´t mind going at my pace. I had to walk a few times one minute because I felt some discomfort in my right calf. I think it is because I´m not used to running uphill and because on Monday I did some fartlek running. We finally got there in 71 minutes. It´s a sort of oasis of peace far from the maddening crowd. We stopped to drink some water and have a bar of cereal and peanuts. Then we went to the spa hotel to get a leaflet on the baths you can take and the hotel price. It is not expensive and the place is really quiet with great views of the Andarax valley and Almería´s seaside. You can see from there Cabo de Gata, a beautiful seaside town, twenty-five kilometres from Almería. Then, we decided to go down. It was more comfortable. I didn´t have to stop running to walk a little although when we were getting to Manuel´s house my calf hurt again so we did the last five hundred metres walking. It took us 55 minutes. In all, we did 126 minutes and about 16 kms. We did some stretching and went to Manuel´s house where he offered me a drink and some “tapas” but I only had a glass of coke. He showed me a video he had done with the photos he had from New York marathon. Although I had some problems with my calf, I really enjoyed the run. I liked the landscape a lot and I enjoyed Manuel´s company a lot. He´s a great person and it is wonderful to be able to run and talk at the same time about a lot of things. He´s going to run Valencia marathon on 1st February and then Barcelona´s on 21st March. He told me to go to Barcelona to run the marathon but I don´t know if I´ll be prepared. However, as there´s at the same time a 14 km race I may take part as a sort of test for Madrid marathon and run the first third of the marathon. I´ll probably wait for Almería half to see how I am getting on. By the way, Manuel is coming to Almería half. He´s already entered and booked the flight. I´m sure he´ll enjoy a lot. When I got home I rubbed some ice cubes on my calf and I had a shower with cold water on my leg muscles.

On Thursday, Christmas day, my legs were a little stiff so I decided to go on a bicycle ride for one hour. I took my mountain bike and I went to the lighthouse at Almería´s port at half past eight a.m. There were just a few people around. It was sunny and the sea front was nearly empty. I went towards the port and at the lighthouse there were only three of four anglers trying to fish. I came back to the sea front and went to the dry river. I saw a man running when I was near the bridge on Andarax river. I know him by sight because he´s taken part in some races that I´ve been to and I´ve seen him several times training with a running club. At the river mouth I went down the bicycle and jogged a little to see how the calf was. It was much better than yesterday but I don´t know if it will be all right for El Ejido´s San Silvestre race. Then I came back along the sea front. I rode about 15 kms. I think it will help me get better for Saturday.

On Friday, I decided to rest for Saturday since I wanted to finish El Ejido´s San Silvestre race and I still felt discomfort in my right calf.

On Saturday, I went to El Ejido to take part at the San Silvestre race. My brother José also came with me but he didn´t take part in it.. We arrived half an hour before the race. I was given my number and a bag with a T-shirt and a local newspaper which is not bad taking into account that the enter is free. I met some runners I know from other races or by sight when training. I greeted my friend Antonio L., who had done the inscription for me. I warmed up a little before the race started at 4.30. It is 11 kms, five laps at the main avenue. I did the first lap with a young man I had met in another race who told me he hasn´t trained since Almería half on 1st June because he doesn´t have time but he´s quite good because without training he finished in 59 minutes. Then, I had to run alone the whole course but as there were people overtaking me it is not too boring except the last lap when most runner had already finished. The people cheered up and my brother took photos of me. Although they announced that the electronic control was closed one hour after the start and I still had to do more than one kilometre, I went on finishing in sixty-nine minutes feeling well but a bit uncomfortable in my right calf. It took me six minutes more than last year which is a bit disappointing but I think it is because this year I had to run alone for more than 9 kms and mainly because of the calf discomfort.

On Sunday, I went on a bicycle ride. I went by car to Complejo Calatrava near Tabernas , 38 kms from Almería where I went on a bicycle trip with a group of cyclists from CTC who are riding in Murcia and Almería at Christmas. I met Alan, the group leader, at the hotel. I´ve known him for several months. There were people from several countries. Most of them from UK: Cumbria, Manchester, Scotland, etc , USA and Australia. I chose a not too difficult route and went with Dave, from California and Lorraine, from Sydney. They´re very friendly and we enjoyed the ride a lot. It was a sunny day but windy. We went to Lucainena de las Torres where we stopped for a drink and had some “mantecados” ( Spanish Christmas product made of flour, sugar, cinammon, lard) which they liked a lot. Then we went uphill to Turrillas where we stopped to have some “tapas” at a bar and a sandwich at a park with wonderful views of the ranges of mountains. Then we went down hill and on a flat road to the hotel. In all, we did about 35 kms enjoying the landscape, the company and everything except the wind. At the hotel café they had a cup of coffee while I had a cup of “poleo”, which is a sort of green camomilla ( herbal tea ) with some “mantecados” and “turrón” ( nougat ) and had with all the cyclists who were at the hotel café. We had a wonderful day and it has helped me to practise my English, do a different sport and meet friendly people from other countries.

Summary of week 18. I went for a run only three times but I did 6 + 16 + 11 kms. I also went cycling two days doing 15 + 35 kms. It has been a different week because I went up to Baños de Sierra Alhamilla and I took part at El Ejido San Silvestre race. As I had some problems with my right calf after the training at the Baños I preferred not running four days in the week and changed one day for a bicycle ride. [ 3 running days / 33 kms + 2 cycling days / 50 kms ]

29-12-2003, 06:07 PM,
My training for a marathon
That's a pretty good week to kick off your training, Antonio. Certainly more useful than mine. You've done some good distances, and varied the activities, and even managed to squeeze in quite a bit of social life too.

The only thing I'd say is be careful to monitor that calf of yours. I had an achey calf after a half marathon in March, ignored it, and it developed into a strain that kept me out for weeks.

But well done, that's a very good start. I wish I could say the same for me!

Look forward to hearing about Week 17.

El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
29-12-2003, 10:23 PM,
My training for a marathon
Hello, Andy

I´m feeling better from the calf discomfort. Actually, this morning I went for a run along the sand of the beach and I felt quite well.

I´m glad I´ve managed to learn how to edit the text and now I can use the bold type. It´s great because I wrote the text in my compueter using some bold type but when I put it in your website It didn´t appear and it looked terrible. Now I´ve changed something so that it can be read more easily.

I hope you get better soon and can go on with your training for the marathon. Good luck.



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