RE: Jumpin' Januarys ... it's 2013 already!
Cheers, gents!
Today was a wonderful day, with Joseph and his mighty team of angelic miracle-workers at "The Firm" finally successfully resurrecting Infiniti MA200 (my beloved treadmill) - truly, it was a mighty deed and I shed a quiet tear or two when it coughed into life, wheezed its way into a walk, then a jog, then finally, brim-full of life-giving goodness it winked at me and said "OK, well, let's go - what's keeping you?"
I celebrated the miracle with a fabbo interval session - perhaps the treadies greatest attribute - and it was a good one (of course)... 800m intervals completed in teary gratitude to the treadmill Gods. I have to say, when I finally stumbled upon "The Firm", a small business specialising in treadmill repair, I felt good about them. Not cheap, to be sure, but they did the job where no-one else would dare to go. It was like the vet who lovingly nurses a sick but long-cherished pet back to good health. Worth every cent.
Well OK, let's not get carried away. But it WAS fantastic to be able to do a tightly-controlled interval session again. I even celebrated by adding an eleventh 800m repeat. And did it feel good? You bet it did - I celebrated the event after with a cool, magnificent Coopers Pale Ale, served al fresco under a setting sun with the sound of cicadas and currawongs chorusing the end of a fabulous, miraculous day. And well, ahem, yes there was also a bottle of fine New Zealand pinot noir somewhere in there too... (apologies to those of you currently on the wagon).
Track du Jour must be honouring the fine people who brought Infinti back to life ... aficionados of Cockney culture will doubtless remember and smile at this one...
16.35km 1h39m (11x800m repeats @ 5:00/km pace + warm up & cool down)
YTD: 55.6km