RE: Nooooooooooo!vember
A ripper run these evening, albeit at the cost of ruining my alternate-day running strategy. Today was supposed to be a rest day, but as I start night shift tomorrow (the scheduled run day) meaning a late morning wake up, and with the weather forecast being for hot weather it seemed prudent to run tonight after I got home from work. And so I headed out in very pleasant conditions at 10:15 p.m. This was my first late evening run for aeons, and it was really great fun. I used to run late in the evening a lot when I lived in Adelaide, it frequently being far too hot there to run during the day, and I got to really love it, but since leaving the state of South Australia the early morning run has become the norm for me in recent years.
I'm pleased to report the first semblance of that old 'running fitness' feeling returned this evening, with legs, body and mind feeling relatively strong, and the enjoyment levels were right up there, and brought back memories of those glad days when I ran much longer distances at a much faster pace and did so with ease. I am certainly not up there yet, but tonight I think I jumped up a notch or two on the fitness scale. It's a great feeling.
And no problems with traffic this evening, either, the streets being pretty much empty. I much prefer it when I have the streets to myself and so 6.6km were covered in a much improved pace, with enough hills thrown in to keep it honest.