III Carrera Popular de la Cruz Roja ( Red Cross race ) Almería
III Carrera Popular Cruz Roja - Red Cross race
Unexpectedly, I took part in a race on Sunday 24th April. On Saturday I was on a bicycle ride along the sea front in Almería when I saw a poster announcing a race next day. It is a race I took part two years ago. It starts at the sea front and goes towards the city centre going up the Rambla as in the half marathon but coming down before. In all, the race is around 6.5 km long.
On Sunday morning, I went to the start at 10.30 to enter. I was given a red T-shirt and a race number to stick on it. There were people of all ages since it could be done running or walking, which is unusual around here where there´s usually little time to finish a race. There, I saw my friends Felipe and Mario, who also took part at Almería half marathon this year.
The day had started a little cloudy but by eleven, when the race started, it was warm and sunny. I started with Felipe and Mario but after one kilometre, I couldn´t keep their pace so I went a little slower. There were a lot of drinking stations, one every 1.5 km. I felt all right in spite of not having trained much lately. I went alone most of the time but in the last kilometre, I reached a youngster and we went together as far as the finish line although he arrived first since I told him to do a sprint when we were near the finish but I couldn´t keep his pace. When we arrived, we were given a medal, which I didn´t expect since it is not usual around here except in marathons. It took me 40 minutes 30 seconds. There, I met Felipe and Mario again. They had finished four minutes earlier. There were soft drinks, water and bocadillos sandwiches but I wasn´t hungry , so I just finished my last bottle of water.
I enjoyed the race since there were people of very different levels and the distance was suitable for me since it wasn´t too long.