Every so often I draw a firm line through my running log and start all over again. That's a figurative firm line of course, my running log being a razzle-dazzle spreadsheet thing. Mind you, the razzle-dazzle has more to do with the coloured column headings and auto-updating graphs than my
actual running of late.
But never mind, I've had enough of a holiday and now it's time to properly begin my 2007 campaign. I did a gentle 11 kilometres today just to prove to myself I still had a little endurance in me from last year. To be sure there were walk breaks, and the time was a lot longer than 11 kms should ordinarily take, but I got there. So we're off and (literally) running. Brilliant! I feel so much better for kicking it off with a decent run than the usual trifling distances. I mean, it's not like I've totally lost form since my race back in November... he says hopefully
The only real goal I have thus far is to properly run the Point to Pinnacle in November, as I promised the guys at work I'd give it my best shot so we could form a corporate team, rather than my race-walk effort of '06. But I guess other races, and therefore goals, will fit in with the training as I progress.
The other thing I need to do this year is some weight training. I hurt my back a few weeks ago doing things I've done without trouble all my life. Which suggested to me that I need a bit of weight training in there as well to counteract this wretched aging process. As I've said here several times before, it bugs me that I'm still young (I'm only 45!) and yet parts of the body are already showing signs of chucking it in! I mean good grief, I'm quite convinced I still have many more tomorrows than I've had yesterdays, but at this rate, my aim of reaching 120 is looking like a rather dubious long-odds bet at Ladbrokes et al.
I remember a work mate many years ago telling me that the body starts to hurt after 40, and begins to properly break down after 50. At the time it sounded like a curse, but I remain optimistic that everything will be beaut this year.
I do need new shoes though...
Hmm. Retail therapy. Must call on my feminine side for this.
More anon.