The inimitable Moon Martin wrote those stunning lyrics way back when... oh gosh, many yonks ago. Around about the same time that Kenny Everett was assailing us with his French alter-ego
Marcel Wave and the "Au revoir my little chickadees" (and variants thereof) line. Anyway, all that lot came to mind today during my 45 min treadmill session, when I suddenly felt old. Old because of the music I was playing, the difficulty with which I was doing what was really a very easy run, and because of the chorus of complaints from certain joints. Oh well, such is life. At least I got the bugger done.
Actually I've had to ease back a bit with the running, but that's quite okay. I expected as much. I've resorted to doing slow runs with a 1 minute walk break for every 5 minutes run. I'll do this for a while just to ease the pressure on my knees. A slow shuffling kind of run is all I'm capable of for the moment, but that's fine for building endurance, and by the time I'm ready to start serious training for a big race, everything will be fine. Without a doubt. Quite certainly so. See if I'm wrong...
I'm still confident, is what I'm saying.
Despite that brief descent into mild pessimism, February was a good month for me, mileage-wise. Quite a few banked, so I'm happy. And two barrells of beer brewed and bottled as well... getting set for a long winter ahead, you see.
Like Andy, I've been very conscious of late as to the detrimental affects of alcohol on my running. Well, it's more to do with stacking on the flab than running performance as such, but it's sufficient to have made me cut back considerably on the booze this year. And it's paying off. But I don't think I could ever be teetotal. For one thing I'd have my citizenship revoked. Teetotallers and vegans are barred from Australia, and anyone taking up such a dangerous and anti-social way of life is revoked of citizenship and forced to live on a remote island in the sub-Antarctic...
It's late. I need sleep.
Goodnight, fellow runners...