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XIX Medio maratón de Almería
12-02-2016, 03:35 PM,
XIX Medio maratón de Almería
This year I couldn't complain about any discomfort in my left calf or any other niggles. However, the discomfort or pain had to appear. This year was also different since no Running Commentary member came to take part in my local half. We missed that nice atmosphere and we didn't even go to have some tapas after the race or take the traditional photo with the half marathon T-shirt at La Rambla fountain.

On Saturday afternoon I went with a friend, Jose, who was going to take part in his first half marathon race, to the expo where we picked up our race numbers and the goodie bag with the t-shirt, the pack of tomatoes and other objects. Jose was Manuel' s brother-in-law. Manuel was a great person, wonderful sportsman who took part in many races all over the world. Unfortunately, he died of cancer nearly two years ago. The atmosphere was nice with many stalls with information on several races or selling sports material such as T-shirts, shorts, leggings trainers, bicycles or charities informing about their activites such as Alcer, to become a kidney donor or Dárata, to help autistic children ...
On Sunday morning, I went to Felipe’s house. From there we went in his car to the expo where we met a few well-known friends who were also going to take part in the race such as Diego, Isa, Alberto, Antonio L., etc. We couldn’t find Jose in spite of his phoning me so that we could go together from the start. This year the number of runners has been the highest so far, nearly 4500 runners including the 9 K and the half marathon.
Although it had been a very windy night, in the morning the wind calmed down. I started with Felipe feeling confident, without any discomfort. At the beginning it was too crowded to run well. The public cheered a lot. The first five kilometres are steep. I think I went too fast without having warmed up enough. At km 3.5 I felt some pain in my left calf so I had to slow down because the race was too long for me to have to withdraw. At the drink station at km 5, I decided to drink my bottle of water while I was walking. It reminded me of Suzie who is fond of the run and walk strategy. Then we went downhill towards carretera de Ronda and carretera de Granada. I felt better going down. We got to the Rambla and then the bull ring and after that towards the city centre. I started to talk to a girl who told me it was her first half marathon race. At km 10, just past Paseo de Almería, at the drink station I also started to walk while drinking. I went along Nicolás Salmerón park but I couldn’t reach the girl again. We went back at Pescadería neighbourhood  towards the port. On the way back I saw Jose. I asked him how he felt and told him he would reach me since I had some pain in my left calf. After the port in km 13 we took Avenida Cabo de Gata where my wife Carmen was standing cheering me and took some photos.Then I went on to reach my mother’s street where my brother took some photos of me. From there the Youth stadium was quite nearby but before getting there in km 15 I felt some pain in my right calf as well. Then we went out of the stadium to go along my mother’s street where my brother, Jose, took other photos and some neighbours cheered me. At avenida Cabo de Gata I met another girl, Sara, who had some pain in her soleo muscle. We went together cheering each other, walking from time to time. I also met an old friend who was helping as a volunteer in a crossing in km 18. Sara and I managed to pass some runners who were exhausted and arrived at the stadium raising our arms.
The atmosphere was fantastic at the stadium, Santi and Felipe, who had done a very good race, were waiting for me. I had some water, a banana there. We waited for Jose to arrive. He was tired but very glad to have been able to finish his first half marathon in spite of having had some pain the last week.
We went  into the expo where we enjoyed the so called “third time” when you’re given drinks, nuts, crips, cold meat, bread and we had a very good time chatting and talking about new races we’d like to do. I went down to the homage held for Florencio, a great runner and person, who died of cancer last year. We also picked up our medals and they were our time was engraved.By the way, Felipe was third in his category but we didn’t realise. However, one day after he got a mail from the organisation telling him that he could pick up his trophy at the organisation headquarters.
Looking forward to meeting old a new friends next year in my hometown for our local half marathon race.


12-02-2016, 03:43 PM,
RE: XIX Medio maratón de Almería
That opening paragraph is one of the saddest things I've read on here.
Hopefully we can change that next year.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

13-02-2016, 05:15 AM,
RE: XIX Medio maratón de Almería
Indeed it is sad that no RC member other than Antonio was able to make it this year. Thank you Antonio, for continuing to fly the RC flag and for writing up your race report. A great effort!
Run. Just run.
13-02-2016, 09:59 PM,
RE: XIX Medio maratón de Almería
Congratulations Antonio for completing your 15th Almeria Half, and for writing about it. Hope that there are many more to come! It seems to be one of the road based events which has gone from strength to strength over the years. Must be great to have so many familiar faces cheering you on around the route!
15-02-2016, 08:15 AM, (This post was last modified: 22-02-2016, 06:40 PM by El Gordo.)
RE: XIX Medio maratón de Almería
The latest in our long series of Words Spoken, Instantly Forgotten:

Maybe we should aim for an Almeria revival next year. The thought of running some sort of race somewhere in the next year has a ghastly appeal. 
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
16-02-2016, 03:26 PM,
RE: XIX Medio maratón de Almería
Gracias, amigos.

I'm very glad you're better, EG. It's fantastic to read you in your website. It'd be great if you could come and take part in the half marathon race or in the 9 K next year.

Saludos desde Almería

16-02-2016, 05:30 PM,
RE: XIX Medio maratón de Almería
I was thinking about you Antonio and remembering past years in Almeria. Good for you to keep it up. Hopefully we'll be able to meet up again sometime soon. As EG mentioned, maybe we should aim for an Almeria revival next year.
16-02-2016, 09:57 PM,
RE: XIX Medio maratón de Almería
I'm game for an Almeria race next year. There will be some logistical hurdles to overcome, but I'm dead keen if some others are going too.
Run. Just run.
17-02-2016, 09:28 PM,
RE: XIX Medio maratón de Almería
Suzie, whenever I do the run/walk strategy I remember you. I really like taking advantage of it when I go for a long run or in the races while I'm drinking or taking photos or I'm very tired or I feel some discomfort. It'd be fantastic to meet you at Almería half next year.

MLCMM, I hope you can come to take part at my local half next year.

It'd be great to have friends from three continents in Almería next year. Besides, it has to be the year I manage to do a sub 2 hour half marathon. I'd have enough motivation to train well and lose a few kilos.

Looking forward to meeting as many as possible running mates and their non-running partners as well next year.

Saludos desde Almería

18-02-2016, 11:06 AM,
RE: XIX Medio maratón de Almería
(17-02-2016, 09:28 PM)Antonio247 Wrote: Besides, it has to be the year I manage to do a sub 2 hour half marathon. I'd have enough motivation to train well and lose a few kilos.

I think there should be a few people willing to help pace you to sub 2 hours!

We have a plan, and a goal, RC people!
Run. Just run.
18-02-2016, 03:05 PM,
RE: XIX Medio maratón de Almería
(16-02-2016, 09:57 PM)Mid Life Crisis Marathon Man Wrote: I'm game for an Almeria race next year. There will be some logistical hurdles to overcome, but I'm dead keen if some others are going too.

I'm in for the full half, fitness/ health permitting. Very possibly Mrs S, too.
I'm already recruiting usual suspects in my locale (ParkRun/ Twitten Run)

Possibles: Cam, Marion, Gillybean, Laura B (CWD)
Maybes (not asked them yet): CC5, OATR, 5ussexgirl, Pinkyandnobrain

Antonio, if you can find out the likely date/ weekend that would be useful.
I know of at least two people who might travel from the USA and of course MLCMM has a bit of a trip to sort out.

We're putting the band back together...

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

18-02-2016, 07:42 PM,
RE: XIX Medio maratón de Almería
Wow! Sounds like a big group - be careful what you ask for Antonio! I'm very seriously thinking about it. Would love to see everyone (and run the race of course) again. This would motivate me to get back into half marathon running distance.
21-02-2016, 08:16 PM,
RE: XIX Medio maratón de Almería
It'd be great to have such a big and wonderful group of friends coming to my local half next year.

Looking forward to meeting all of you. It's going to be really amazing.

Saludos desde Almería

21-02-2016, 10:53 PM,
RE: XIX Medio maratón de Almería
(18-02-2016, 03:05 PM)Sweder Wrote: Antonio, if you can find out the likely date/ weekend that would be useful.
I know of at least two people who might travel from the USA and of course MLCMM has a bit of a trip to sort out.

We're putting the band back together...

As far as I'm aware, it's always the final Sunday of January so the race should be 29 January 2017.

I'm up for the trip, though no idea about running. I've had a few days off work with a very painful heel -- literally unable to walk. According to Dr Google, sounds very much the dreaded Plantar Fasciitis. But I guess we have world enough and time. Could be my last opportunity to beat SP, though he's chickened out of so many challenges that I don't hold out much hope. I think he knows he's met his match.

I'd have to insist on Suzie being there, and I wonder if the great Nigel could be interested?
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
22-02-2016, 02:16 PM,
RE: XIX Medio maratón de Almería
If EG insists, how can I refuse? I'm already planning my trip over...well, talking to a friend who works for an airline that now flies into London. Now to get my running into gear...!
22-02-2016, 02:23 PM,
RE: XIX Medio maratón de Almería
Sorry, I forgot about the date. These last two years it has been the first Sunday of February. They never know the date until September or October. I phoned the organisers this morning but nobody answered.

I hope you get better from your foot injury, EG, so that you can train again.

I'd love to meet Nigel again but he seems to be missing. It'd be fantastic to reunite the brave five and M from the 2005 Almería half plus others who have come in other editions and new ones such as MLCMM, Bierzo Baggie ...

Saludos desde Almería

22-02-2016, 06:51 PM,
RE: XIX Medio maratón de Almería
Thanks for the date info, Antonio. Best not book any airline tickets just yet.

Mentioning my foot sounded rather too much like getting my excuses in (very) early but seriously, it's been a pain. Bah, I've been all aches and pains in the last 12 months. I'm pretty sure that 90% of my troubles are down to me drifting towards SP territory in terms of bulk. So that's the starting point. I've never managed to get down to the 180 pound mark that's supposed to be my "healthy weight", and I probably never will --but there's no excuse for being 50 over the limit. Dissolving 30 of those lovely English pounds would solve a whole variety of current difficulties, so here we go. My two sisters have, between them, in the last year, lost around (wait for it) 170 pounds, or 77 kilos. So I can't blame family genes.

Of course, the British contingent may be banned from Spain by next January. Let's see how the referendum pans out.

Crikey, I can feel a blog post coming on. But I wouldn't run over there just yet.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
23-02-2016, 02:43 PM,
RE: XIX Medio maratón de Almería
Best of luck with your aim of losing a few pounds, EG. I'm also keen on shedding a few kilos.

I'd like the UK to remain in the EU. I think it has more advantages than disadvantages for both.

Looking forward to reading a new blog post from you. I miss your fantastic writing that helps me improve my poor English apart from learning new interesting things.

13-03-2016, 08:40 PM, (This post was last modified: 13-03-2016, 08:43 PM by El Gordo.)
RE: XIX Medio maratón de Almería
Thanks Antonio. I've managed nearly 4 weeks sans alcohol though the blubber dividend hasn't been as good as I'd hoped. Well, I'm about 10 lbs / 4 kg down but this is nothing to write home about. I may have to consider exercise. 

I mentioned the possibility of Almeria 17 to M this evening and she seemed reasonably positive about the idea.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
14-03-2016, 09:20 PM,
RE: XIX Medio maratón de Almería
Congratulations, EG! It must be very hard to be on the wagon so many days and managing to lose weight at the same time. I haven't lost any kilos yet. I've still got some discomfort with my right calf, so I haven't been able to do much sport.

It's fantastic that M is keen on coming next year as well.

Best of luck with your training for the 9 K next year. It's going to be a fantiastic duel with SP.

Saludos desde Almería


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