I like Andy am off the Sauce for a while, possibly until the end of the month - must give my overworked liver a chance to reduce in size after its rather severe battering during the festive season.
Was supposed to be running the Four Villages half marathon this weekend - I think not. I'm having trouble staggering 4 or 5 miles at the moment, mostly due to an extra thick layer of something that seems to have attached itself to my until now reasonable trim waist line, if this is middle aged spread then I just wich I could go spread it on the veg plot or something.
Have been pondering middle aged quite a lot recently, must be something to do with the fact that next I shift up another category in the veteran group. Won't be too long before I get the sympathy applause for just appearing on a start line of a race:o On the plus side 'though it means I get a half price subscription to a rather good gym with it's own running track
Not a lot of running to report, am getting down to it a bit, mostly tready work although I continue to cycle or walk to work - so why am I not thin????
belated Happy New Year