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June 2009
07-06-2009, 06:04 PM,
June 2009
Saturday 6th June - Wharfdale Half Marathon 13-14 miles.

This was my first experience of a fell race. It wasn't the traditional up-down fell run that purists might favour. But at 2300 feet there was plenty of ups and downs to negotiate.

My training thus far has been good but sporadic. I'd only managed a 40 minute run over the previous 2 weeks. So standing in-line for my chip amongst an array of finely-tuned thoroughbreds and gnarly old-timers did generate a little anxiety about how I would deal with the event.

As it happens I managed to run comfortably for the first half of the race, including the major climb up Mastiles Lane. The wheels gradually began to come off the longer the race went on, with some of the interspersed ascents in the final stages proving to be really difficult. As was the final stretch through the village.

My time of 2:13 was never going to win any prizes (the winner came in at 1:30) but I'm not sure I should have expected any more given my lack of preparation.

Upper Wharfdale, around Grassington and Malham, really is a beautiful part of the world. And, even though the weather was pretty atrocious for much of the race, running in this kind of environment really lifts the spirits when you're digging deep.

A great event.
07-06-2009, 10:03 PM,
June 2009
Sounds terrific to me. I had my own under-prepared half marathon adventure this morning when a combination of ideal weather conditions, regret at the thought of breaking a five-year sequence and the chance to revisit my last run with a sorely missed friend conspired to push me out the door.

There's something most welcome about pinning on a number with minimal expectations, a freedom rarely found on race-day.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

08-06-2009, 12:48 PM,
June 2009
You're right Sweder. Sounds like we both had a great run in the hills this weekend.

For me, the great thing about off-road routes you haven't done before is that it's difficult to have expectations about times. So you just go out there and get on with it. I suspect I'll want to come back to the Wharfedale next year. But it won't be the same because I'll want to improve on the time.

Then again, this was only my fourth organised race ever; so at this rate I might never run the same race twice Smile
11-06-2009, 10:44 PM,
June 2009
Thursday 11th June - 6+ mile circuit from Greenhead : mainly flat.

Decided to join the local club (Keighley & Craven AC) in an attempt to get us all out running once a week; and to try and vary my tempo. This was my my first club run : in the 'steady' mens group. A few of them put their foot down with a couple of miles to go. Just the ticket if I want to get faster.
19-06-2009, 01:40 PM,
June 2009
Thursday 18th June - Jubilee run with Keighley AC - approx 3 miles

Another short and painful test against the clock that I'm just not used to doing yet. The first hill was run too quickly and I spent the rest of the course gasping for breath. A real lung-buster. With no previous handicap I was let-go too early in a staggered start; so at least I got the pleasure of bringing the field home by default.

Track du jour: Bon Iver, reConfusedtacks.
22-06-2009, 11:05 PM,
June 2009
Sunday 21th June - 5k

Tried another 5k to see if I could get the hang of this distance. This time I had a decent warm-up and reigned in the legs so my breathing was more regular and took a minute off my previous time.

The weight is also starting to slowly come off. This is the main battle. With a sedentary occupation and a fat/sugar-based reward system being the culprit.
26-06-2009, 12:15 AM,
June 2009
Bon Iver? At first I thought you'd gone soft on us G'Man ... but when I had a listen to the track in question I was impressed at how good a running track this is - in its own quiet way it's very effective.

Thanks for broadening my horizons once again Mr.G Smile
Run. Just run.
26-06-2009, 11:59 AM,
June 2009
Glad you had a listen and enjoyed the track MLCM. It's got a repetitive, mantra-like quality about it that I imagine would be good for running.

I don't personally listen to music whilst running btw. I'm just a big fan of this band. Try the album. Here's some more live stuff:,4255

Thursday 25th June - Jubilee run with Keighley AC - approx 3 miles

I managed to take 30 seconds off my first 5k run. I'd hoped for more but it was a hot evening so 2 steps forward, one step back is ok with me.

The only downer was that Mrs G was unable to do the run due to knee problems. She galliantly came down for the finish then took me for 2 pints of the best kept Taylor's Landlord in Keighley (and by definition The World) at The Boltmakers. Hallelujah.
26-06-2009, 12:05 PM,
June 2009
glaconman Wrote:The only downer was that Mrs G was unable to do the run due to knee problems. She galliantly came down for the finish then took me for 2 pints of the best kept Taylor's Landlord in Keighley (and by definition The World) at The Boltmakers. Hallelujah.


It's confirmed. My wife doesn't understand me.

Last night, from the sun-scorched beer garden of the pub over the road, where I was enjoying a post-work pint of Fuller's London Pride, I called my wife to suggest she may want to join me, and I would buy her dinner. "No", she explained, "there's some pasta in the fridge that has a use-by date of today..."

She just doesn't get it.
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
26-06-2009, 02:02 PM,
June 2009
glaconman Wrote:The only downer was that Mrs G was unable to do the run due to knee problems. She galliantly came down for the finish then took me for 2 pints of the best kept Taylor's Landlord in Keighley (and by definition The World) at The Boltmakers. Hallelujah.

I had a similar reaction to EG.

I am going to ensure Mrs. MLCM reads this... I am still shaking my head in disbelief. This really happens?

I'm very impressed.
Run. Just run.
28-06-2009, 11:41 PM,
June 2009
Saturday June 28th Shipley-Bingley-St Ives estate-Nab Wood-Shipley 8+ miles hilly

A tough run at a good pace to end the month. With a 30 minute cycle at either end it was almost a biathlon.

Went to the pub on Huddersfield station for lunch today: The Head of Steam. A fine place with something for everybody. There are great pubs at Dewsbury, Huddersfield and Stayley Bridge stations making it a popular pub crawl for the railway enthusiast.
29-06-2009, 06:12 AM,
June 2009
GM, I hate to be a pedant (who am I kidding?) but I think you mean it was almost a duathlon, not a biathlon. Unless you really got up to some serious altitude. Smile

Sounds like you've got some great running momentum going - well done.
29-06-2009, 08:31 AM,
June 2009
glaconman Wrote:Saturday June 28th Shipley-Bingley-St Ives estate-Nab Wood-Shipley 8+ miles hilly

A tough run at a good pace to end the month. With a 30 minute cycle at either end it was almost a biathlon.

Went to the pub on Huddersfield station for lunch today: The Head of Steam. A fine place with something for everybody. There are great pubs at Dewsbury, Huddersfield and Stayley Bridge stations making it a popular pub crawl for the railway enthusiast.

I have fond memories of the real ale bar at Stalybridge station. It was threated with closure about 15 years ago until CAMRA stepped in to save it. It's great to be able to get off the train from Manchester or Huddersfield, have a good night out without leaving the station, then totter a few yards back onto the train home.

(Though I do concede that this depends on your definition of a good night out... :o)
El Gordo

Great things are done when men and mountains meet.
29-06-2009, 09:02 AM,
June 2009
Thanks Dan. Yes, I'm definitely on an upward slope at the moment.

And you're right, I did leave the rifle at home. I guess I was just working backwards from triathlon Smile

There is certainly something very alluring, beguiling and filmic about a bar on a railway platform.
30-06-2009, 10:43 PM,
June 2009
Tuesday 30th Greenhead - Tower Farm approx 6-7k

Just a short run at 60-70% to keep things ticking over.
01-07-2009, 12:56 AM,
June 2009
glaconman Wrote:Tower Farm approx 6-7k. Just a short run at 60-70% to keep things ticking over.

Did you take the rifle with you this time?
Run. Just run.
01-07-2009, 09:00 AM,
June 2009
Rifle? Tower? Grassy Knoll? Ooh err ...

I must echo Dan's words GMan ... impressive frequency in challenging conditions (don't listen to MLCMan; his lot train on the Sun apparently). As I venture through my own running funk it's great to know you're out there banging the drum so effectively.

The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph

01-07-2009, 01:15 PM,
June 2009
Many thanks Sweder. It's appreciated. I suppose it works abit like a relay in this RC community. I'll be looking to pass the baton soon though Smile

In truth I'm not too bad with sun and heat. I like the fact that muscles work better in heat; even if breathing becomes more difficult.

The thing I'm enjoying at the moment is the shorter distances. It didn't occur to me to run them before. But they fit-in better to pockets of free-time. And the long runs needed for base fitness can be done on a less frequent basis. Say, every two weeks. So they become abit of an event in themselves.

I've also mixed this up with cycling a couple of times a week to work. And there are a couple of small sections of my route where I ride hard and keep a mental note of pbs. This also adds to a build-up of fitness over time. Beats sitting in traffic.

But the most important aspect is trying to achieve a sensible weight. And I guess that's another good reason for prefering hot weather.
02-07-2009, 12:08 AM,
June 2009
glaconman Wrote:In truth I'm not too bad with sun and heat. I like the fact that muscles work better in heat...

Good man! Hot weather is infinitely preferable to cold weather for running!

glaconman Wrote:... even if breathing becomes more difficult.

I have the opposite problem: cold air makes me wheezy, but warm air is wonderful for the lungs. Bring on summer I say - at the moment down here we're suffering the miserablist winter in yonks Sad

Lots of short runs and bike rides and you'll definitely achieve a sensible weight - best of luck G'man. Smile
Run. Just run.

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