Monday 24 December 2001: Christmas Eve

This week calls for a reshuffle of runs. The plan I’m following calls for a rest day today, then 3 miles, 4 and 3 for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Wednesday is going to be busy so I run today and tomorrow, then rest Wednesday, then run as scheduled on Thursday. It means running 4 miles on Christmas Day – that is certainly a first.

Today’s run was good. A straightforward 3 miles. Up to the top of North Lane and back – exactly 3 miles. For the first time I thought about speed today. Too early to think about it too much. Endurance and stamina must be more important at this stage of the game, but I was curious about what I would do. I don’t yet have a realistic target for the marathon. Most first-timers aim just to finish it. I suppose a sub-5 hour marathon is a reasonable target. Consistent 12 minute miles would mean a time of 4:45. Today then, I decided to try to complete my 3 miles in 36 minutes then. 18 minutes each way. I managed 17:15 and 17:52, comfortably within the target times.

I got back sweating and twinging a little, but not aching. This is a great feeling – just popping out to polish off 3 miles before lunch. No great strain, no great pain. Marvellous. 7/10.

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