Sat 22 June 2002

Feeling absolutely great is an absolutely great feeling. An excellent run
this evening – 7.5 miles along the canal in the twilight. Wonderful weather for running. Cool but still bright at first, with the sun slowly completing its descent through the 88 minutes I was running. It wasn’t a very fast pace but I was delighted to run the second half (43 mins) two minutes faster than the first, over the same ground.

I drove to the start this time in order to get the maximum mileage from the canal itself rather than waste 2 miles of it in getting there and back. I’m conscious that I keep saying this but it really is a great place to run. The quietness, the natural beauty of the water and the wildlife, the sense of solitude, provide a wonderful feeling of tranquility and peace. Apart from a very occasional runner or walker, the only humans to be seen are occasional anglers sitting there by the bankside trailing their rods in the water. At least I presume they’re human. They are so motionless and passive that they might almost be statues. I suspect some of them just sit there for days on end, waiting for… nothing very much really. I imagine that some of them are marked on the Ordnance Survey map.

Talking of maps, I’m finding that my copy of Microsoft Autoroute doesn’t have some of the newer local roads marked, which is making plannng new routes a bit difficult. I must have an old copy. Indeed it’s so old that even Stonehenge doesn’t appear on it….

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