Sun 9 Jan 2005

Mildly hungover and slightly bloated after yesterday’s family golden wedding celebration, I nonetheless managed to get out for a sporting 3½ miles late this afternoon. It was dark and raining steadily. I like it when it’s raining so hard that you can hear the water trickling into the roadside drains. Much nobler than namby-pamby drizzle.

I heard on the radio the other night that 4% of food is consumed “in front of an open refrigerator”. This was one of the things that exercised my brain as I ran. The other was last night’s showing on the BBC of Jerry Springer – The Opera. This was the best thing I saw in the theatre during 2004, and it was great to get the chance to enjoy it again on the box. I spent much of the run grinning at the memory of the tap-dancing ku klux klansmen. Rather inadvisably in my view, the Christian lobby chose to make a fuss about it, thus tripling its viewing figures at a stroke. I’m hoping that this is just the first of many defeats for these nutters. It reminded me of the best definition of a puritan I’ve come across: Someone who is desperately afraid that somebody, somewhere might be having a good time.

And so, Week One of my Hamburg training comes to a close. 25.1 miles chalked up. My spreadsheet tells me this is 14% above my 22 mile target. I suppose this is a good thing.

Next week the sought-for figure is 25. In theory, this should be broken down into REST – 4 – 4 – 4 – REST – 10 – 3 but I suspect that it won’t work out quite like that.


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