Thurs 27 Dec 2001

The chest pains return, which would seem to blow my alcohol theory. However, they reappear after a two-day Christmas binge, so it remains likely that there’s some connection between the aching ribs and over-indulgence.

Today was mild. I went running in the twilight: perfect running conditions. I felt strong and capable and confident, until 8 or 9 minutes in, when the pain began its familiar, slow spiral upwards from beneath my lowest rib. It teases for about thirty seconds, then it just sort of bursts through the top of my chest like an exploding rocket, and I have to stop. A great shame, as this evening I felt strangely powerful and somehow, sort of, ‘erect’. In my running style, that is.

I’ve managed to put on nearly 5lbs in the last two days of seasonal feasting. I have 4 more ‘weighing points’ for this week, and I want to lose something like 6lbs by the end of it.

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