Thursday 7 July 2005

Bus Explodes in Tavistock SquareLife goes on.

It was around 10:30 this morning that I first heard about the bombs on the London Underground and the Russell Square bus. For a couple of hours, there was a sense of shock around the office – not helped by the lack of hard news. Rumours of further attacks and mounting body counts kept the internet humming for most of the morning, before my capacity for grotesque wonder was fully charged, and it became time to do something else. You can say “isn’t it terrible?” only so many times. So I carried on configuring my server – a job that took the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon.

Running? I’ve had a good week so far. A brisk 5 miler with the running club on Tuesday evening, 6.1 miles along the canal yesterday, and just over 5 this evening. I’m beginning to feel on top of things again. I’ve even, at long last, started to shed some weight, even if I’m still 5 pounds heavier than I was on Hamburg Marathon morning. All I need now is to keep this going. Momentum is everything in running, though as I’ve often said, it works in both directions. For a few weeks now I’ve been chugging towards Hell; but the liner may have been turned round at long last, and I seem to be heading back in the right direction. All I need now is a successful weekend – I’m behind schedule in the long run department. Coming up to 12 weeks to go till Loch Ness, and I don’t have a double-digit long run to my name yet in this campaign. Time to change that.

Yep. Life goes on.

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