Tues 11 Jan 2005

This has become a bad week, and like a lot of bad weeks, it’s sprung up out of nothing, quite unexpectedly.

It’s true that I popped out for an unscheduled 3.3 mile recovery run last night, but after returning, showering and getting changed, I popped out again, this time for an unscheduled couple of hours in the pub, followed by a frenzy of calorific feeding at midnight, and a very late night, leading to fatigue today which has removed the prospect of getting out this evening for my planned 4 miler. Instead I’ve polished off what was, on Sunday, a gigantic slab of chocolate cake. It is no more.

Result? Tiredness, bloatedness, disappointment with myself.


Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day

On the positive side, I’ve spent the evening planning this year’s coach to Silverstone for the half marathon on March 13th. The Running Bus rides again. For anyone reading this who plans to travel from London for the race, do check out the possibility of joining us. Last year we took about 90 people up there, and had a good day out. www.runningbus.co.uk.

And now, an early night with my weary head resting on the sweet pillow of renewed good intentions. Here’s to a chilly early morning run to make me believe again.


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