Tues 2 July 2002

Up at 0520 this morning to get my 3.67 miles in. I went off too quickly I think, as those chest pains returned to trouble me. For anyone who didn’t follow the London campaign, this was a problem I had last time. It’s NOT a heart-related problem, I’m reasonably sure. It’s much more like a stitch, albeit in an odd place. It’s something to do with not warming up properly, or going off too quickly.

Whatever it is, when it strikes I have to stop running, simple as that. Today it happened three times in 38 minutes. Each time I stopped running and walked back a few yards to catch my breath for 30 seconds or so, before continuing. Despite these three short breaks, I still managed a reasonable time.

Main other news today was the conversation I had with the UK Brain Tumour Society about raising some money for them. I’ll announce the details soon, once they are finalised.

Finally got to see Moulin Rouge this evening. A hoot. The film is brilliant for an hour or so, before the senses begin to wave the white flag. Highly enjoyable, though the anachronisms and caricatures wear thin a little by the end.

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