Tues 25 June 2002

Looks like the UK Brain Tumour Society will be the recipients of any money I manage to raise. More news when I get it.

My 3.67 miler this evening was a little disappointing. I was all geared up to have a go at beating my record again, currently 37:27 (that’s a 10:12 pace – I must edge down below 10 minutes a mile), and I was making pretty good progress when, about half way round, I came across half a dozen bewildered French cyclists squinting helplessly over an Ordnance Survey map of the area. I decided to extend the hand of international friendship, and stop. A few minutes of trying to speak pidgin French while they tried to speak pidgin English, including a friendly World Cup jibe or two, and I was on my way again. Decided to forget the time and just enjoy the run.

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