Wed 12 June 2002

Going off to work at 6am should really have been more miserable than this. I suppose the prospect of an epoch-defining trouncing of Nigeria in the World Cup must have helped, but I think some of this energy must have come from last night’s run.

The match failed to live up to expectations. We struggled to a goalless draw but at least we are through. Even better is that the Argentinians are on their way back to, I suspect, an unseasonably frosty Buenos Aires. Oh how we chortled at the thought.

Another simple 3 miler this evening. Despite stating that I’d leave the canal for long Sunday runs, that’s where I found myself this evening. It proved irresistible after my first idea – to run around the local lake – was scuppered by the discovery that there’s no path or track around it. Call me unadventurous but I didn’t fancy sploshing through 3 miles of dense reeds and swamp.

I tried a simple – but difficult, as it were – speed test this evening that I read about recently. The aim is simply to try to do the second half of a run faster than the first half. I managed it. The first half of the 3 mile run was just under 17 minutes, the return leg just under 16.

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