Wed 19 June 2002

Another new experience. Crikey, life keeps churning ’em out, doesn’t it? Up at 05:45 for a pre-work run. I did my normal 3.67 miler. It’s supposed to be 3, but I’m trying to slightly edge up the distance this time around.

A glorious morning. The air is fresh and cool, and the only traffic on the small local lanes is made of rabbit.

I wondered later if this early aerobic hit had sent me into a fit of temporary delirium. Why? Because on the 0740 to Paddington, I swear that a balding, barefoot middle-aged man walked down the train wearing nothing but a peach coloured bathrobe, and carrying a matching towel. I turned round and gaped at this extraordinary vision as he disappeared through the connecting doors into the next carriage. But no one else seemed to notice; or pretended not to. Am I losing it? Or was it merely a perfect double illustration of what makes England so outlandish?

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