Wednesday 6 September 2006

Another leaden 3½ mile run-walk this evening, but I may have
glimpsed the first rays of hope on the dark horizon. During the last
mile or two, just as I was resigning myself to the usual extended, and
enforced, warm-down walk, I found one or two of those… bouncy
moments when I could almost kid myself I was running freely, and with

The big difference is the re-emergence of genuine optimism. I may have
to tolerate another… 3 or 6 or even 20 crap runs before a truly good
one appears. But it will happen. I now know it.
Last week, I couldn’t admit to the probability of experiencing a proper
run ever again. It was a trick once known, but now forgotten. I’d
unlearnt how to ride that bike. But that’s all gone now.

Payday is on the way, and I’m going to enjoy the dividend I’ll be due
after all these painful, daily installments.

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