Picture the scene… Lying on my deathbed, a solemn, distant, whispering face…will be slowly lowered into my grey, fading world…. and will tell me… my time is almost up. Peering out weakly, a waning stamen amid a bonnet of withering petals, I’ll smile the best I can… and call loudly for a bottle of Taylor’s 77. Admit it, port is the greatest of all drinks, and fittingly, it generates the greatest of all hangovers. Knowing I’ll be dead tomorrow would be the ideal opportunity to push the boat out, and allow myself the luxury of chewing over a whole bottle. What a way to go. These thoughts emerged through today’s painful, extended crapulence. Ash, Andy and I flew back from … …
Blog Posts
One of life’s mysteries – waking up a few minutes in advance of the alarm clock, regardless of how early it’s due to cry out in the darkness. It happened as usual this morning, despite it being set for 03:55. Half an hour later I was tip-toeing down the stairs of my in-laws’ place, and off out into the icy pre-dawn. Ash (Sweder) and Andy (Seafront Plodder) nearly turned up on time, and 20 minutes or so later, we were checking in our bags at Gatwick. We finished counting our good omens as we arrived in Almeria. Despite the pleasure of meeting up with our hospitable local mate, Antonio, it was disappointing to see the teeming rain. We learned that … …
Is there a dog? I’m not a dogmatic type, so I say no…. [pause] How did I get into this cul-de-sac? And how do I get out? Regarding the first question, I was about to say “Thank god for Excel”, but I hesitated. As a shrink-wrapped atheist, I hate mentioning the word. Not because I find it distasteful, but because I worry that people might suspect that I’m a closet theist. In answer to the second, I say this: Bugger ’em, let’s start again. So. Thank god for Excel. How easy it becomes to answer another question, one I was pondering during this evening’s run: How long will it have been between next Sunday’s Almeria Half, and my previous half… …
Today — as disturbing a run as I ever had. So many avoidable errors. Here are a few random, snatched examples: 1) Too anal about my training schedule. Don’t I frequently remind people new to marathon training plans that they mustn’t be a slave to the schedule? Today folks, I was that slave. The plan said 18 miles. Following a couple of hard running weeks I should have laughed at it and spat in its eye. I should have jumped up and down on the idea till it expired, then interred it in my garden and carried on jumping up and down on the burial mound, singing The Red Flag at the top of my voice. But I didn’t. 2) … …
If Haile Gebrselassie was to take a job at the Co-op in the village, I bet he wouldn’t have to take an extended lunch break to run 10K. As observant readers will know, I’m not Haile Gebrselassie, I didn’t run a half marathon in a new world record of 58 minutes on Sunday, so I did have to take an extended lunch break to run today’s 10K It was unscheduled. At 12 noon I was sitting at my desk, doing… stuff. Then the boss called a meeting, and announced that he was leaving. For many people reading this, it’s the sort of news that might spark an office celebration, but not in our case. We’re a small, closely-knit team, and … …
I’ve not been using my GPS watch recently, but the club run this evening was estimated as 4½ to 5 miles. The faster pace, and the two hills (or rather, one hill and two halfs), were a struggle for me. But that’s exactly what I wanted — a struggle. It’s not a new or original observation. In fact, it’s something of a cliché. Someone on the forum referred to it yesterday as that No Pain, No Gain Malarkey. The simple truth is that no run is useless. Even those juddering ambles round-the-block get my heart pumping and burn off a few hundred calories. Just as important, they give me time to pick over the day that’s gone, and allow me … …
It’s a curious thing. You’d think that the longer the run, the more there would be to write about, but it doesn’t seem to work that way. A 15 mile slog up the canal today, but I’m struggling to find anything interesting to say about it. The most notable aspect was probably the debut of my new portable DAB radio. I’ve tried running and radio-listening a couple of times, but the hissy signal is frustrating. It was like being permanently stuck on Radio Hattersley. Then Sweder of this parish mentioned that he runs with a digital radio, reporting good reception. I looked into it a couple of times, weighing up pros and cons. Could I really justify the expense? I … …
“Walcott is a virgin, Walcott is a virgin, L’la la la, L’la la la” Not the wittiest effort I’ve heard from the Loftus Road faithful, but it will stick in my memory if Theo Walcott really does fulfill the potential that Arsenal, apparently, value at £15 million. I saw the 16 year old play today in what might have been his last match for Southampton. I noticed him only twice. On both occasions, he received the ball and sort of exploded forward, dancing over 2 or 3 lunging tackles as though they didn’t exist, before allowing the ball to run just a little too far. His pace seems very impressive indeed, though it wasn’t enough to stop us gaining a … …
When the subject of early morning running crops up, I enthuse. Best time of the day, I say. Makes you feel great. Sets you up for the day. Gets it out of the way. All this is true, but the shameful fact is that I don’t drink my own Kool-Aid, as our American cousins like to say. It’s months since I slid out of bed before 7:30 to trot around the block. This morning at seven, slowly toasting beneath the duvet, I thought about this. I thought about it too much. I thought about it so much that I had to do it, didn’t I? Got up and put my shorts on, quietly weeping as I did so. Am I … …
The forum comes and goes. Just recently there’s been a buzz around the place. After a few lean months, several of us are now gearing up for races and/or midway through a marathon campaign. By contrast, one of our most loyal parishioners, Seafront Plodder, has just renounced marathons. Understandable. As I said in my reply, it’s all about motivation. When that sense of marathon wonder seeps away, the motivation soon follows it, and when that’s gone, it becomes a very tough obstacle. Well, it becomes an obstacle, full-stop. It should be an aspiration, the golden temple at the end of the long journey. When it ceases to be that, you’ve had it. Shorter race distances are different. As long … …