Saturday 5 May 2007

The early part of the morning was spent trying to finish a longer entry that I started to write some time ago &#8212 but it can wait another day or two. If I continue to suspend normal life on here, I’ll miss out recording the other good things that are happening. Like a really bouncey run this morning, around a six mile loop of the local fields. It wasn’t over-speedy but that was semi-deliberate. Today I truly wanted to run again, and to enjoy that sense of liberation and strength that’s been absent for a long time now.

My Track du Jour came in the middle of the latest Pheddipidations podcast (Episode 95), which you’ll find here. (You may have to hit the “Podcast Archive” button.) As usual, the show is worth listening to, but the song I heard must be Let Me Know, performed by a band called The Fire Apes. I know nothing about them, but if you like Beatles-esque vocal textures, this may suit. You’ll find them on MySpace.

It felt good today: a new band on a new path around a local field. I found the trail only by checking one of the self-mapping websites that were mentioned on the forum recently ( Check out sanoodi while you’re at it. I searched for local runs and came up with some new running ideas.

Here’s a map of today’s run: PIC. The outline of the run looks like a dog’s head, or perhaps Australia on a bad day.

Today was a good day. We’re back in business.

Tomorrow, I’ll get that longer entry posted.

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