Saturday 7 January 2006

14 miles today, on a dismal, rain-swept afternoon. To add an extra
layer of featurelessness, I chose to do 4 laps of my usual

The prospect was so uninviting that I did a rare thing — took a radio
with me. Here are some words I never thought I’d hear myself say: Thank
god for TalkSport

This radio station annoys the hell out of me, but today they just about
kept me sane. It was the only talkie station I could get reasonable
reception on, so I spent my 2½ hours keeping up-to-date with
the FA Cup 3rd Round, and the 3-0 defeat of my team. In an uncertain
world, it’s good to know that there are some things you can depend on.
We haven’t won a cup game for about 5 years.

There’s not a lot else to say about today. I trudged my miles; saw
barely no one. I ground it out. It’s another long run on the board, and
that’s what matters.

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