Sunday 18 March 2007

I’ve been quiet recently, but have a good excuse.

From time to time I mention writing a book. In fact, I’ve been mentioning it to someone or other for much of my adult life. There’s been the odd false start: a few years ago I wrote a really terrible novel which fortunately, no sane person was willing to help me publish.

Then running happened, and I knew I really wanted to write about it. Running and writing are different creatures but they sit on the same rock. It’s why this website exists. The plan was always to do something more substantial, and a couple of years ago I wrote a hefty chunk, offline, of a book-to-be, then stopped. I didn’t know where to take it.

In Almeria this year, the subject appeared again, and I had, let’s say, a frank discussion with Nigel, Ash and Suzie. Encouragement without indulgence. They got it right. Nigel suggested a format and a strategy. The format pretty much matched my own existing thoughts (with a couple of extras thrown in). I was grateful. It got me thinking. I resolved to get on with it.

And I sort of did. I re-read all my stuff and made some more notes in the air with the index finger of my left hand. Then I stopped — as you do.

As I do.

Then last week I had a mail from my old pal Glaconman, mentioning the same topic. We had a brief correspondence and he said a couple of things that made me suddenly realise that it really could work. Now I know I will do it. There’s no question.

I’m not being one of those annoying people who say: “Y’know, I really should write a book sometime”. I’ve already written it. Perhaps I’ve written it several times over. What I’ve not done is organised it or talked to the people I need to talk to. A combination of Almeria and Glaconman has given me the strategy, and the motivation I need to follow it.

I don’t want to be that bloke in the cartoon. The one reputedly created by the great Peter Cook. Two chaps at a cocktail party:

First Man: So, and what are you doing these days?

Second Man: Me? I’m writing a novel

First Man: Really? Neither am I

It’s what I’ve been doing for the past week or so. I’ve done my research and I’ve been preparing my submission. In turn, it’s helped clarify what my angle should be. The angle. It’s been one of my hang-ups.

Essentially, the direction now is towards getting some support with what I have, rather than trying to create the perfect finished item. But I need to polish up what I’ve got, and this is where I’ve been recently.

I may just absent myself for a little while. I’ll be around on the forum of course.

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