Tuesday 20 January 2009

Success: my first experiment with treadmill intervals yesterday evening. At least I’m presuming it was a success. I did what I set out to do, namely run 6 x 2 minutes fastish, interleaved with 6 x 2 minutes slowish, on a treadmill set to an incline of +1. This followed 30 minutes of bug-eyed biking and elliptical cross-training to get the blood bubbling nicely through my arteries. 8:25 minutes a mile pace will be jogging speed for some reading this, but for me, it’s fast enough.

Rest day today. Another trip to London, but managed to escape early enough to get back home to see the epochal inauguration of President Obama. Then this evening, I scuttled along to the back room of the Red Lion to witness politics at the other end of the spectrum — the monthly meeting of the village parish plannees. My main responsibility is to make sure the group is represented on the village website I put together a few months ago. A secondary duty seems to be to upset as many people as possible. Oh well. Clichés about omelettes and eggs whisk through my mind.

No beer tonight. Tomorrow it’s back to work for me and Obama. 8 stiff miles for me, and 8 exceedingly stiff years for the other guy.

Here’s to both of us.

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