Am I really plannning to run a half marathon on Sunday? After a generally successful first half of the week in terms of runs, weight loss and optimism, it’s all started to go wrong. This morning I had a sudden overwhelming urge to eat. Cereal, bagels and fruit before I left home. Healthy enough, yes, but it filled me out, leaving me feeling leaden and out of condition. And as often happens in these situations I picked up an ‘in for a penny’ attitude. Just before arriving at work I bought 2 bars of chocolate, then rounded off with an early lunch of a fried egg sandwich and some crisps. This evening it was off to the pub for a few pints of beer and several bags of crisps and peanuts. Just before midnight I cooked up some pasta and finished off with some rice pudding and ice cream.
Yep, it’s as bad as that.