That’s odd — the GNR report seems to have lost its final paragraph, which was a brief mention of Monday morning. We eventually tracked down the Baltic Gallery next to the new bridge over the Tyne. The bridge is fantastic, and I’m sure the gallery will be — but at the moment it suffers from being almost totally empty. I wasn’t sure if they were making a statement, or if they’d built the gallery but just forgotten to put things in it for people to look at. There are 3 exhibits on the ground floor, and a video installation on the 3rd. Apart from that, not a sausage.
It’s Thursday, and I’ve not run since Sunday. Whenever I do a race, and particularly a half marathon or longer, I somehow get it into my head that that’s it. I’ve done what I set out to do, and now I can get on with real life again. But a few days later, I wake up to the realisation that I have to start all over again with a new target.
And the new target is…? The Great South Run, a ten miler in Portsmouth on October 12th. A shame that it’s the day after the QPR v Brentford game AND Turkey v England. Normally, such a schedule would be washed down with plenty of beer, but that would not be a great idea.
There is also a good possibility that I’ll enter the Brighton 10k in November, the weekend before we go off to Spain for a week. There is an outside chance of a race in Spain, but I’ve imposed a press embargo on that for the moment.
Tomorrow morning, I hope to get out for a brief run.