As the great EJ Thribb (17½) might have said:
Farewell then
Tony Blair.
The Churchill of
The modern era.
Never was so much
Promised to so many by
So… few.
Now you’re gone,
So… phew.
I’d be slightly more charitable than Private Eye‘s redoubtable wordsmith and obituarist, but an expectant universe will have to await my assessment — partly because, despite today’s announcement, he’ll still be PM for another seven weeks, and partly because it’s late, and I have the rare need to be up early in the morning to catch the London train.
Tonight was a brisk and wet 4.8 miles with the running club. Slightly faster than was comfortable, which made it a good and worthwhile jaunt… though, perhaps like Blair’s premiership, something to be appreciated more in retrospect than in real time.
I took another sort of plunge this evening by finally entering the Dublin Marathon.