Another frozen lollop around the block (current temperature is 0 degrees), this one spiced up by taking place in pitch darkness. 4 miles, 52 minutes – deliberately slow in these slippery conditions.
Urbanites like me tend not to take much notice of the moon, but in places like this, it becomes suddenly important. I’ve happily done this run in the evening before, but never in total darkness. The only illumination was the fuzzy incandescence of the ice beneath my feet. The pace slowed right down as I travelled the back lane stretch (twice). Not even an occasional car to light up the lane. It was a strange cocktail of fear and a deep sense of liberation from something. I don’t think I’ve yet experienced the fabled "runner’s high", but I am beginning to understand what it is about. Running gives one such a profound focus that it leads, quite illogically perhaps, to a feeling of elated detachment.
Actually did some stretching when I got back: now there’s a first. It should perhaps have been my New Year Resolution. Alas! Too late! [ Phew, that was close…]